
Day 5
Philippians 1 v 3 - 11; Psalms 119 v 73 - 80; Psalms 119 v 105 - 112

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light [un]to my path” (Ps 119 v 105)

You will often hear people referring to the bible as outdated and no longer applicable to this post-modern era, where skepticism, subjectivity and relativism forms part of mainstream ideology.

Basically it comes down to this. Everything that was taught in the good old days as truth, should suddenly be questioned (skepticism) as there is no [longer] such thing as absolute truth (relativism), making you the architect of your own life, following your own rules (“subjectivism”)… Yet another “ism”!

The truth is, man has not changed his ways, although we have become more and more self-centered, proving the bible is true, for it describes the heart and the behaviour of man perfectly.

Just look at the scribes and the pharisees (as one example), whom Jesus was very tough on and compare them with us today and you will see people are just as corrupt as they were then, using religion and politics as a front to benefit from the people.

The bible still remains God’s perfect and infallible word as this has been proven over and over again. Fact is, it will continue to remain, after we have transitioned from this life to the next and every effort to have it disproved or banned, only encourages believers to spread the gospel even further.

Our call to holiness also involves the spreading of the good news. We should not be ashamed of the gospel and proclaim the cross and the resurrection. God’s word will teach us in our walk with Him and others. His word will show us the true north if we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us through illuminating the scriptures.

The bible is the only book that is consistent in what it proclaims. It is the only book of which the prophecies from thousands of years prior to Christ have come to pass and the remaining ones are happening as we speak. It is the only book that teaches grace and that we cannot earn our salvation.

Remember this. We are holy, because Christ is holy. If we remain in Him, He will remain in us. This sanctification process is not over until we have been redeemed when we meet our Saviour, whether as a church or even if He should come for you or me before then. Continue the race you are running and keep your eyes firm on the finish line.

If you haven’t started the race, you are not too far behind. You can always join the marathon today and run for Christ and allow Him to push you in order to get the best out of you. Be prepared to stumble and fall, but do not lose hope and give up for the prize is waiting for you, if you will only endure…

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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