This is the first installment in our quest to prove the Bible to be the only reliable source for man to know our Creator (God the Father, Yahweh) through our Lord and Saviour – Jesus Christ (Yeshua).

Do not be fooled into thinking that all religions are basically the same (unless you simply see Christianity as just another religion), and even then there are vast difference, or that one can have communion with God in any other way other than through the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of this article is NOT to bash other religions – and the followers of those religions – offering them eternity while condemning their souls to everlasting hell. The sole purpose of this article is to prove without a doubt that the Bible is infallible and undeniably true.

So without further ado, lets jump right in!

Let’s define the term Worldview. According to Merriam Webster, Worldview is “a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint.”

Plainly said, Worldview encompasses your belief(s) about the most important questions in life and this includes your belief about God (Infinite being), knowledge, ultimate reality, human nature and ethics.

The question here is simple. Can one be selective in what you believe regarding the above? Is it logical to only adhere to certain rules and/or regulations when deciding from which standpoint you will argue the essence of your belief system. Let’s be honest. Everybody believes in something. Just because you don’t believe in God doesn’t mean that you don’t believe in anything… That is a discussion for another day.

The point here being that everyone has a worldview and you base your whole existence on that particular worldview. Thus there will be competing worldviews simply because people have different opinions and beliefs around the things that make up our existence.

Among Christians, for example, there are denominations denying the Gifts of the Spirit, while other fellowships practice the Gifts. Who is closest to the truth? You will find certain churches sprinkling babies, imposing baptism when others immerse people fully and proclaim this to be the only form of baptism according to Scripture. How do you interpret baptism?

Let’s take it a step further. There are so-called Christians that proclaim to believe in God the Father, Jesus as the only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, yet they refuse to believe in the Bible as the Word of God. Can you (really) call yourself a Christian? Never mind a Bible believing Christian…

You will meet “Christians” who supposedly accept the Word of God as Holy Scripture, yet have no problem Cheating with their taxes, lying to their spouses or swearing like a pirate! We could go on for days on this topic. This is purely to show that Christians are not saints and the reason for many people refusing to accept Christianity as a comprehensive worldview is due to poor testimonies from proclaiming Christians.

Please look out for our next article when we will discuss the authenticity of the Scriptures.

Blessings in Jesus.

Elevating Truth Online Ministry