God said that it was not good for man to be alone and created for him someone to fellowship with. There isn’t much written about Eve, but one thing is certain… we are all descendants of her.

Just like Adam, she was made in the image of God, not only for fellowship with him, but also companionship and relationship, which would soon be tested by satan, who sowed doubt in her mind.

Unfortunately Eve submitted and allowed this doubt to manifest. She simply accepted what satan had said and didn’t consult with either Adam, or God, for they had a direct line to their Creator.

We are very much alike and it just shows how sinful we really are. Not being content with what the Lord has instructed and willing to cross the line in order to indulge in the lusts of the flesh, knowing we are disobedient, yet trying to manipulate God.

Eve has shown just how easily we can point fingers and shift the blame onto others. For this reason it is crucial that we acknowledge God in our daily decision making. This will prevent us from simply acting according to the desires of our flesh.

We should learn from Eve’s (and Adam’s) mistakes and take responsibility for our actions. Do not allow satan to overcome you with his lies and deceit, when God has clearly instructed you to obey Him and Him alone.

“The man said, this is now bones of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

Genesis 3 v 23