What is it about the beginning of something promising that always excites us?

We imagine things to turn out in a specific way, although not knowing the beginning from the end, we anticipate a certain outcome based on the details we have at that moment.

When it comes to God, He knows everything from eternity past. Being outside of time and space, He is everywhere at the same time and being the all-knowing God that He is, He still allowed those He created in His image to have the freedom to choose.

Little did Adam and Eve know what awaited them in the garden, when God breathed life into Adam and formed Eve out of one of his ribs. They had an intimate and personal relationship with the living God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. What could come close or even beat that?!

Then entered Satan, the deceiver. He managed to persuade Eve to blatantly disobey God’s instruction and even dragged Adam into the circle of deceit. Their disobedience had a ripple effect that would change the world forever.

Fellowship with God was broken and evil began to harvest more evil until God had no choice, but to put an end to that which he had entrusted to mankind. Can you imagine God’s disappointment? I believe that even though He knew what would happen, He was still sad, because He is a loving God.

The plan of salvation is set into motion and through faith in the coming of the promised Messiah, God’s chosen people would become sojourners for many years, before reaching the promised land. Oppressed and afflicted they would continue to serve other gods, while a small remnant would always be faithful.

God used ordinary people to do His work and equipped them with the Holy Spirit to lead his people. Just look at Moses, Joseph, Ruth and Esther, to name but a few individuals. Not to mention Joshua and David as well as Daniel. These were men after the heart of God.

God can use you too, only if you allow Him. Seek His perfect will and obey His every command. Amidst all the confusion and chaos in the world there is hope in the promises God has made and until now He has kept His word. You can rely on Him to continue to do what He says, for He is the Great I AM!

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“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”

Genesis 1 v 27

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