Usually we don’t want to be reminded of the mistakes that were made because of our dreadful decisions.

Just as the Israelites had to be reminded time and time again, about their covenant with the Lord, we too, are to be reminded by the lessons we learn from our wrongful actions and these should not be repeated if we were to graduate from the school of life.

Memories of past events, whether good or bad, should help us to identify similar situations in the future in order for us to avoid stepping into the same trap as before and for this reason we should be committed to serve the Lord with our whole being, regardless of our wrongdoing in the past.

Even though God has called us out of this world, which is in essence a type of Egypt, we have not completed the race and may still come short if we continue in disobedience, while complaining about our circumstances and backsliding to a point of no return.

Just as Moses prepared the new generation to take possession of the promised land, we should also prepare ourselves to accept God’s promise that He will provide in our needs and sustain us throughout our journey in this life.

Even though we are not part of the covenant that God made with His people, it serves as a reminder that there are always consequences for our actions and that we should obey God’s spirituals laws that are written on our hearts.

It is not because of what we have done, but because of what God has done. It is not because of who we are, but because of who He is. He is the Great I AM and for this reason He deserves to be worshipped and obeyed.

We are called to submit and commit to the Lord. Take a step in faith and (re)dedicate yourself to the Living God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, for what He has done for you, through His sacrifice on the cross.

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“You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.”

Deuteronomy 11 v 18

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