
Day 5
John 8 v 30 - 47; Psalms 119 v 1 - 8

How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.” (Ps 119 v 1)

It is clear from Jesus’ discussion with the Jewish people, that they were so caught up in their religion and blinded by their inheritance through Abraham that they couldn’t see their sinfulness and need for salvation.

What is the lesser of the two evils? To hear the word of truth and believe, only to have satan deceive you and convince you otherwise and possibly return to the Lord or not to hear at all because of your pride… I guess the one is just as futile as the other, for the result is the same.

The only way to be [really] free from the bondage of sin is to acknowledge the need for salvation and then remain in the Lord’s truth, not our perception of the truth, but His law written on our hearts and if we truly love Him and seek Him wholeheartedly, we will obey His commandments.

If you are convicted by the truth, having heard the good news of the gospel of hope, love and forgiveness, come before the throne of God and seek Him with your whole heart, mind and soul, believing in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus and He will set you free (John 8 v 32).

May God pour out His favour on you today. Be blessed and know that you are loved.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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