We are all beggars and we are all seeking, thus one beggar showing another beggar where the bread is, simply because we may have found the bread first, does not mean we have arrived and have it all figured out.

Therefore, our vision for the individual seeking an unknown god, entails the following:

  1. That through our testimony, those coming into contact with us and reading our material may experience the love of God so that you are convicted by the Holy Spirit without us having to pass judgement on you.
  2. Many get saved as a result of this ministry, yet all the glory will go to the Lord and that we will not boast in ourselves but in Christ Jesus, who has saved us out of our sinful and destructive nature.
  3. Once saved, you will long for fellowship with the Lord and develop a zeal for Him, like never before. A soul on fire, burning for Him and the work of His kingdom, which is not of this world.
  4. Showing compassion to others in your dealings with them. giving freely and in abundance, for freely you have received. Giving of yourself and your time. Sharing the truth of what God has done for you and how He has saved you from certain death.
  5. Years down the line, still working out your salvation in fear and trembling, knowing we are always a step away, a decision away from giving into the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life.