Moriel is an international multi-faceted ministry of Jewish and non-Jewish regenerate believers one in Jesus the Messiah and is committed to the evangelization beginning with the Jews and also people of other faiths.

These faiths include Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and theologically deviant expressions of Christendom including Roman Catholicism (which we view as aberrational much as we deem Talmudic Judaism to be likewise largely unscriptural).

We have followed Jacob for many years and even though his doctrines seem to be sound we do not agree with the manner in which he presents many, if not most of his teachings and writings. The latest attack on Bill Randles is absolutely uncalled for and as a brother in Christ he should re-evaluate his approach when addressing others should he feel they are deceived.

Having said that, let’s rather focus on what he teaches regarding the Word of God. A documentary shot in 2011 focusing on bible prophecy regarding the end time events that are spoken of in the book of Daniel as well as Revelation is one of Jacob’s highlights and a must see.

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