MArk 1 v 21-34; 1 Cor 2 v 1-16; Ps 74 v 1 - 23; Jos 6 v 1 - 7 v 26

Teaching with real Authority

22 The people were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike the teachers of religious law. (Mark 1 v 22) [NLT]

27 Amazement gripped the audience, and they began to discuss what had happened. “What sort of new teaching is this?” they asked excitedly. “It has such authority! Even evil spirits obey his orders!” (vers 27) [NLT]

Surely Jesus didn’t teach anything other than the Scriptures?

Have you ever visited another church service or listened to a sermon online, realizing that everything the pastor said was spirit filled and it aligned perfectly with Scripture? We have to keep in mind that the people were so indoctrinated by the Scribes and the Pharisees, and their interpretations of the law, that anything else was a breath of fresh air.
Jesus, teaching with (real) authority, didn’t contradict the Scriptures, but taught the true meaning of the law and the prophets, which was fulfilled in Him and now He had the authority to forgive sins, heal the sick and cast out demons.

Wisdom of men vs Power of God

Paul was also teaching with authority, filled by the Spirit, proclaiming that everything he said was through reliance on God’s power and not his own wisdom. (1 Cor 2 v 1- 5)
Do we rely on our own intellect when preaching the Good News and the gospel of the Kingdom or do we trust that the Lord will give us the words to say, at the right time? How many of us, who have studied the Scriptures and perhaps attended Seminary, fall back on what we were taught by men and their interpretation or perception of the truth, rather than seeking God’s wisdom and waiting on His instruction…?

Spirit of the world vs God’s Spirit

Have you received God’s Spirit, through the second birth, i.e. have you been born again or do you still follow the spirit of this age?
We cannot know the things of God’s kingdom if we remain attached to this world. You and I will never be able to live a life dedicated to Jesus, if we continue to live according to worldly standards.
How will we ever attain the mind of Christ (vers 16), if we cannot understand the thing of God and how His kingdom functions?

My prayer for today is that you will ask God to reveal Himself to you through His Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. God is true to Himself and cannot lie. He will answer your prayer if you are sincere of heart, seeking His forgiveness.

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