How many faithful people do you know? Perhaps a handful, right? Can you imagine that there is only a single faithful and obedient person left on the planet?

Well, in Noah’s day, this was the case and the earth was flooded with evil before God chose to flood His creation with water to reset the clock.

God called Noah to build a boat, while on dry land and Noah obeyed His instruction, even though the people mocked him for it. To Noah it was more important to follow the Lord’s commandments than to please people and this is one of the lessons we can take from his life.

Ask yourself if you would have done the same, although it is quite difficult, seeing that when you are not in someone else’s shoes one cannot really imagine what it might be like.

Obeying the Lord will take you out of your “comfort zone” and that is why we should not get entangled in the things of this world that it chokes us to the point of drowning. Like Noah we should obey God to the extent of doing what He instructs, regardless of what others might say.

Are you willing to dedicate yourself to the Lord in such a manner that you obey Him, regardless of what others might think? Will you accept His instruction, regardless of how you feel about the task ahead?

Noah was patient and consistent in his faith and obedient to God, even to the point of being the only person to serve the Lord. Regardless of his mistakes, he has shown that we can be committed to God, through our faith in Him and by His abundant grace.

God is faithful and does not require us to bargain with Him and make promises He knows we can’t keep. He will carry you through the trials and tribulations of this life, just as He cared for Noah and his family when things became unbearable for them.

While God is not pleased with sacrifices, He seeks our commitment and obedience. Let’s make it our mission to serve Him alone and follow His instructions as it is set out in the Word. He delivered Noah and his family and He will also deliver us from this perverted world when He returns.

“Thus Noah did; according to all that God had commanded him, so he did”

Genesis 6 v 22