There are many parents out there who say things like “I wish he was more like his brother” or “can someone of his age be so rebellious?”

Abel, the younger of the two brothers, yet from an early age it seems that there was something different about him.

Because his sacrifice was pleasing to the Lord, God saw Abel’s attitude and that he was sincere. Abel obeyed the Lord, while his older brother chose not to.

Abel is also called righteous in Matthew 23 v 35 and paid with his life, at the hand of his brother. There are two important lessons to learn from his life.

  1. We can approach God anytime and He hears those who come to Him with a sincere heart.
  2. The righteous and innocent is rewarded for their obedience, while the rebellious are punished, sooner or later.

If you had two sons, wouldn’t you want them to get along? It’s not always possible, due to each of us having a free will to do as we please. Abel used his free will to please God while his brother had other ideas.

The story of Abel and his brother just shows us that we cannot change anyone’s heart. Only God has the power to do, should people be willing to change for the better.

Abel is the model of a faithful and obedient son and although you might judge his brother for Abel’s death, do not despise him for his actions, for the Lord is judge over us.

We should love our children for who they are, because they are a gift from God, a miracle that was formed in the womb. May your child be a blessing to you all the days of your life.

“By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks.”

Hebrews 11 v 4