Mat 28 v 1-10

Look unto Jesus

He is not here… for He is risen… just as He said.” (vers 6)

Do you look unto Jesus as the risen Lord or is the above simply a myth, perhaps only something spiritual or figurative?

I am of the opinion that many “Christians” get stuck and even stumble at the foot of the cross. I do not intend to question their faith, but it seems that they only accept the death of Jesus and have a hard time to confess His bodily resurrection.

A two-fold faith

Confessing one’s sin and believing in the crucifixion of Jesus, as the only atonement and remedy for our sin, is the first step toward coming to faith.

As long as we do not accept that He physically rose from the dead, we continue to fall short, and as a result our whole world view is corrupted. If we cannot trust Jesus’ own words that He would rise on the third day, then we may just as well become agnostics who proclaim that we are not actually sure about anything and subsequently choose to simply worship a form of Godliness.

If we only look unto Jesus as our Saviour, because He died for our sin, and not as the risen Christ, we are really acknowledging that He didn’t actually overcome sin, neither was He victorious over death. This is a dangerous, devastating and destructive theology and many Christians are mislead through this teaching.

Jesus, King of kings and Lord of Lords

“With great fear and joy”, the woman ran to tell of the good news. Little did they know that they would run into Jesus and were so overwhelmed when they say Him that they fell at His feet and worshipped Him.

They knew who He was. This was also not the first time they kneeled at His feet and worshipped Him. To them, He was the Messiah and they believed His prophecy regarding His death and resurrection. I consider them to be amongst the blessed ones to have had the opportunity to see Jesus, face to face.

I pray that should you not have reached a point yet, where you accept the resurrection of Jesus as a crucial ingredient to be truly saved that God’s Spirit will speak to your heart today, for “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom 10 v 9) [NIV]

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