Why Elevating Truth?

Elevating Truth transpired through obedience to the Lord’s instruction to start an end-time ministry, warning people about the times and epochs, sharing the truth of the Gospel, and with that proclaiming God’s love for humankind.

Before we commence on our journey it is crucial to realize the importance of proving that the Word of God (the Bible) – in the form of an acceptable translation – is absolutely and undeniably true, reliable, accurate and still relevant to us living in this so-called “post-modern era”.

Once we have established the Authenticity of this absolute and undeniable truth we can continue to discuss the events prophesied in the Old Testament as well as the signs of the last days foretold by Jesus Himself seeing that they have found to be accurate and reliable.

This ultimately means that we can exalt the Word of God above all and everything that is written and perceived by man as truth.

Going forward we will investigate certain claims made by Bible scholars, persons mentioned in the Bible as well as our Lord Jesus.

Looking forward to sharing the evidence with you and if we are preaching to the converted perhaps the sceptics among us will come to the knowledge of our Savior! Amen.

JO Spies
Elevating Truth Online Ministry
2 Corinthians 11 v 1 – 6