A relationship between two brothers play out like a movie scene. The first born follows in the footsteps of his father. His younger brother becomes a threat when his sacrifice is accepted by the Lord, while his is not.

Siblings often argue and even fight, but one does not contemplate that the oldest, who should know better, simply kills the youngest in anger….

Instead of forming a strong bond with his brother, Cain was rebellious and hardened his heart. One would think that he would be glad when the Lord accepted his brother’s sacrifice, instead of getting angry.

Due to his poor attitude and the fact that God was not pleased with his sacrifice, he directed his anger at his brother. The result was devastating. Although he had a choice to correct his attitude, it was clearly a lot easier to get rid of his problem, or so he thought.

Does this scenario remind you of the choices that we make, knowing right from wrong and still choosing to do wrong, even at the cost of someone else? Although we might not go to such an extreme, our anger towards someone else may still be harmful.

Sometimes our actions can not be reversed and that is why it is crucial that we think something through and consider the cost of our behaviour and reaction to something that another person has done or said.

There is always an alternative – another way to approach a situation. Do not let your anger get the better of you and result in regret.

Whatever you decide to do in this life, keep in mind, that the consequences may last a life time and even follow you to the grave.

“If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door and its desire is for you, but you must master it”

Genesis 4 v 7