We come to you from a Christian worldview as followers of Jesus and believe the following regarding our faith:

  1. There is one God
    King of kings, Lord of lords and Lord of hosts. Abba Father, our “Most High”. Yahweh, the Holy one of Israel, creator of the universe. He is three in one and one in three. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. We are all made in the image of God
    Regardless of your religious background, ethnic origin or sexual orientation, God initially created mankind, male and female, equally and unequivocally according to His image.
  3. Due to disobedience, man fell
    God was satisfied with His creation, but because man used their free will to disobey Him, we suffer the consequences to this very day. Free will does not constitute the right to do as you please, but rather the ability to do the right thing according to God’s laws.
  4. The law points to the need for salvation
    You cannot understand grace, if you do not understand the purpose of the law. The law could never rid you of your sins and always pointed to the ultimate High Priest, Jesus, who would become sin for us so that we may become the righteousness of God.
  5. Jesus, both man and God
    God, out of His own sovereignty, gave part of Himself, to become a man and be supernaturally born in the form of His Son, Jesus – Yeshua – our redeemer. The promised one, who would come as a servant to bring the only sacrifice, through which we could be reconciled with God, after man rebelled against Him.
  6. Jesus is the living Word
    He was there from eternity past – as part of the Trinity – and during His time on earth revealed the Father’s heart to us. He taught us how to love God with our whole being and our fellow beings as ourselves. He showed compassion and kindness, practiced what He preached and treated everyone with dignity. His words reflect in the Scriptures as a reminder but also an instruction of how we should live and treat others.
  7. One Spirit, one truth
    The Spirit that was promised to us, by Jesus, is the same Spirit that intercedes for us with the Lord, our God. The Holy Spirit leading us into all truth, God’s truth. A powerful, supernatural entity, empowering us to live a life in accordance to God’s will.
  8. The bible
    Scripture, as we know it, in the form of the bible, inspired by God, Inerrant and copied down correctly throughout the centuries in an acceptable translation, maintaining the deity of God and profitable for doctrine, suitable for instruction, correction and reproof.
  9. Marriage as an institution of God
    One man being faithful to a single woman, brought together in love for one another – the same sacrificial love Jesus has for his church. A life long commitment, from which you may not exit, unless one of you pass or someone is unfaithful, and even then God expects us to reconcile, if at all possible.
  10. Baptism and Communion
    We are baptized into His death when we come to the knowledge of Christ, after surrendering our lives to Him. The symbolism of baptism lies in the death and resurrection of our Messiah. We too die to self, bury the old life and start a new, spirit filled life. Communion, the breaking of bread and drinking from the cup, should then only be observed by someone who has been saved, testifying to this change in their life.
  11. The imminent return of our Lord, Jesus
    As the bible states, we are living in the last days and have been doing so, since Jesus ascended to the Father, with the end times looming on the horizon. There are many prophecies that have come to pass and still a few that will need to be fulfilled, before His return. God’s time is not our time and therefore we focus on our relationship with Him so that we have oil in our lamps when He does come at an hour we do not expect.
  12. We see in part
    As finite beings, we only see in part and for this reason have mentioned the most important points above, while applying the basic christian principles mentioned in the scriptures. There are countless other things we will leave out for now that aren’t necessarily required to believe and therefore as a result negatively affect your salvation. Therefore, believe unto the Lord, Jesus and whomever shall believe with his heart and confess with his mouth that Jesus has risen from the dead, will be saved.