This section looks at the copies (or translations) of the Scriptures as we know them today and I ask that you keep an open mind when reading this article, before simply jumping to a pre-mature conclusion.

The following abbreviations will apply when referring to the;

Old Testament = OT
New Testament = NT

As we journey through the scriptures reading both the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT), or like a bible scholar of old, used to say, the “Previous Testament” (OT), we realize by doing just a bit of research that the bible, purely as a historical book is accurate in its presentation of people, events and places.  Besides its historical accuracy, one should also ask why certain events, that could be seen as potentially humiliating still reflect in our translations we read today?

The writers had nothing to gain, by making up these events, as they point to their weaknesses instead and also point out their lack of faith on occasion.  If God and our faith were to be masqueraded as something it is not, surely they would have omitted these passages in an attempt to save face? 

Just look at the time when Peter denied Jesus or when Jonah fled from God.  Not to mention Moses killing an Egyptian, lying about it and making excuses all the time when called by the Lord, or the prostitute Rahab hiding the men away from their enemy.  Then there is the crucifixion and the events preceding it, and besides Simon Peter, drawing His sword when the soldiers attempted to arrest Jesus, His disciples would fall asleep while He would pray, even asking the Father to have the cup pass Him by…  don’t forget the disciples also ran away when Jesus was arrested and it seems like the woman were in the forefront at the cross.

This shows pure and brutal honesty by the writers, portraying events and people for what they were, without beating around the bush.  This in itself should make you contemplate the claim that the bible is God’s inspired Word, for man, writing out of his own conviction, would probably have tweaked a few passages, here and there. Again, what would they gain from making up these events instead of portraying everyone as outright heroes?  So, you read this and while still not convinced, ask for evidence, because christians claim the bible is full of it, right?

Let us start with a bold statement or two by a renowned bible scholar and philosopher.

The Bible is the most accurately transmitted book from the ancient world.  No other ancient book has as many, as early, or more accurately copied manuscripts.” Norman L Geisler

It seems that more often than not, unfounded assumptions are made by those refuting, or least attempting to refute the authenticity of the Scriptures and validity of modern translations.  An interesting fact is that multiple works regarding Christianity, the events mentioned in the bible, Jesus and His disciples, etc.  were captured by those not necessarily believing in a “personal God”, yet not denying the historical facts and events taking place in the bible and confirmed that Jesus actually lived, although only as a prophet, at most.

Back to the initial question.  It is believed that after more than 1,000 years of copying, the OT manuscripts have not changed to the extent that is claimed among secular scholars.  Instead, the accuracy, dating and number of OT manuscripts (more than 10,000) show that there is at least a 95% similarity between the Dead Sea Scrolls, the “Septuagint”, a Greek translation of the OT and the original Hebrew manuscripts.  Any changes that occurred, due to spelling, etc.  had no influence on the meaning, not to mention the cautious approach used by translators, together with the use of numbers for the Hebrew words, as there are more than one equivalent, depending on the context of the passage, off course.

Does this then prove the bible is flawed, because it is believed not to be 100% “authentic”, and if so, how can the Scriptures then be considered inerrant?

The answer to the first half of the question is No.  The OT is “perfect” in the sense that when it is compared with manuscripts of other events, individuals or religions of the ancient world, none compare with its accuracy.  Surely, one should then start to doubt many history books and not only the bible, if its accuracy is proven to surpass that of other ancient manuscripts.

No other ancient book has as small a time gap between composition and earliest manuscript copies as the NT.”  Norman L Geisler

The NT does just as well to prove itself undisputed.  Before we look at some of these facts, please keep in mind that eyewitness accounts in other areas of life, such as court cases, have more often than not, affected the outcome of a case positively and if it was not for the eyewitnesses giving account of the events, a person might have ended up in prison, while innocent.  For this reason the coherence of multiple eyewitnesses is assessed and although the details of their experience might differ slightly, as seen from the events in the gospels being recorded differently, they are regarded as trustworthy as long as the recall of certain key events is accurate.

Eyewitness accounts from independent sources, about the same event, which differ, does not mean they are unreliable, it simply means each writer saw and experienced the event in a different manner.  This has nothing to do with the accuracy of the details provided and is unfortunately a poor excuse for those attempting to discredit the bible (or at least the NT), as one writer might have seen Jesus with a certain number of people while another writer saw Him with more or less people.  The fact remains; they both saw Jesus among the people.  You get the idea.

It is noted that the number of Greek manuscripts of the NT is close to 5,700 and compared to other manuscripts, very few if any, come close.  When compared to some other manuscripts the NT accuracy is estimated at 99,9%.  Again, you might respond in saying that is enough of a difference to doubt the accuracy of the copies we have today.  The question remains.  If the bible we read today, in an acceptable translation, off course, is an accurate copy of copies made of the original manuscripts, which have been verified and dated, using the same techniques to verify other ancient documents, why would one then only doubt the Holy Book?

This brings me to the conclusion, and you might still not be convinced, and that is OK.  I would like to challenge your doubt, using a testimony as an example.  There was this (reasonably) well-known actor, who challenged his wife (who came to faith earlier) as Christians would refer to being born again and accepting Christ’s forgiveness for their sins.  She would spend at least an hour in the morning and evening reading the bible and praying on her knees, next to their bed.

He mocked her and said that he could also do the same (and discredit it at the same time), and started reading from the bible, during her devotional time.  The more he read, the more he wanted to read and slowly he started to actually study the bible.  Not too long after that, he came to faith, after asking “god” to reveal Himself to him (the actor).  God granted him this request and the rest is history.  You might think this is made up.  It might be… fact is, he is not the only one who can testify to this life-changing event.

He gave up the industry and trusted God to provide, which God is doing until this day as he travels the globe to share the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection, without asking for any financial compensation.  Why would someone give up the “pleasures” this life has to offer for a “fairy tale” life, you might think, still not totally convinced there is any truth in this?

If that is the case, while you read the last paragraph, my prayer is this.  May the God, who created the universe, an all-knowing, all-mighty being, the Designer and Sustainer of everything, bring you to your knees, so that you can experience the power of the Holy Spirit, because that is what this about.  Not about winning an argument to show who is right and who is wrong.  It is a proclamation, based on facts and sufficient evidence, not even to mention the work of God experienced in one’s life when taking the step towards faith.

In addition, to top it all off, most of the twelve disciples, with the exception of one or two paid dearly with their lives for believing in Christ Jesus and continuing to preach the gospel.

Why would they be willing to sacrifice their own life if there was no concrete reason for this?  I will leave that thought with you to ponder on. 

Should you feel that life has reached a point where it has no meaning, you can find purpose in a spirit filled life, lived in the presence of the Almighty.  Be bold and challenge God.  Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and you might be pleasantly surprised as to what you will see when He does.

Please look out for the next piece in this series “Can biblical chronology be trusted?