The good news of freedom is like music to your ears if you have been enslaved for many years, or so it should be.

Although this seems to be a daunting time for many as they are about to embark on a journey beyond their present life, which they have become accustomed to, amidst the circumstances.

The question begging is will you adhere to God’s instruction if He calls you out of your current situation? How will you respond to His voice, or will you prefer to stay in your bubble of comfort?

After 400 years later and 2 million strong, the descendants of Abraham were preparing to leave a life of slavery behind, but Pharaoh had other ideas and wouldn’t allow them to depart that easily.

God appointed Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. While Moses agreed to the task, he also looked for excuses not to take up the responsibility, but in the end, empowered by the Holy One, he took charge and stood his ground against the opposition.

The journey would not be an easy one and even though the Lord provided day and night, the people began to long after Egypt. They started serving other gods and received their due punishment, for God is righteous and just.

God is also a God of love and therefore He gave them boundaries for their own good and eventually the law was given through Moses. A law that would ultimately point them to a Saviour.

Do not harden your hearts. Allow God to lead you on your journey of faith today to fulfill your purpose and His will. Trust in Him for your deliverance. Listen to His still, small voice. Use your free will to seek His presence each and every day, asking for His guidance.

Be prepared to follow the Lord in obedience, wherever He may lead you.

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Part 1 | Part 2

“The Lord is my strength and song; And He has become my salvation; This is my God and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will extol Him”

Exodus 15 v 2

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