
Day 5
Philippians 1 v 3 - 11; Psalms 119 v 73 - 80; Psalms 119 v 105 - 112

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light [un]to my path” (Ps 119 v 105)

You will often hear people referring to the bible as outdated and no longer applicable to this post-modern era, where skepticism, subjectivity and relativism forms part of mainstream ideology.

Basically it comes down to this. Everything that was taught in the good old days as truth, should suddenly be questioned (skepticism) as there is no [longer] such thing as absolute truth (relativism), making you the architect of your own life, following your own rules (“subjectivism”)… Yet another “ism”!

The truth is, man has not changed his ways, although we have become more and more self-centered, proving the bible is true, for it describes the heart and the behaviour of man perfectly.

Just look at the scribes and the pharisees (as one example), whom Jesus was very tough on and compare them with us today and you will see people are just as corrupt as they were then, using religion and politics as a front to benefit from the people.

The bible still remains God’s perfect and infallible word as this has been proven over and over again. Fact is, it will continue to remain, after we have transitioned from this life to the next and every effort to have it disproved or banned, only encourages believers to spread the gospel even further.

Our call to holiness also involves the spreading of the good news. We should not be ashamed of the gospel and proclaim the cross and the resurrection. God’s word will teach us in our walk with Him and others. His word will show us the true north if we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us through illuminating the scriptures.

The bible is the only book that is consistent in what it proclaims. It is the only book of which the prophecies from thousands of years prior to Christ have come to pass and the remaining ones are happening as we speak. It is the only book that teaches grace and that we cannot earn our salvation.

Remember this. We are holy, because Christ is holy. If we remain in Him, He will remain in us. This sanctification process is not over until we have been redeemed when we meet our Saviour, whether as a church or even if He should come for you or me before then. Continue the race you are running and keep your eyes firm on the finish line.

If you haven’t started the race, you are not too far behind. You can always join the marathon today and run for Christ and allow Him to push you in order to get the best out of you. Be prepared to stumble and fall, but do not lose hope and give up for the prize is waiting for you, if you will only endure…

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Day 4
Colossians 1 v 9-13; Galatians 5 v16-26; Psalms 101 v 1-8

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Gal 5 v 16) [NIV]

It is clear that the law condemns us. It points out our shortcomings and sins, but it cannot bring salvation and if we are “led by the Spirit, we are no longer under the law.” [paraphrase]

The deeds of the flesh are in direct contrast with the fruit of the Spirit and it is written that we will be known by our fruits. The only way to bear fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control is to put the flesh to death.

The question that arises is this. How do we “walk in the Spirit“, once we have “crucified the flesh“?

David answers this in his profession of uprightness in Psalm 101;
[2] He will lead a blameless life and handle his affairs with a blameless heart
[3] He will have no part, nor approve of anything “vile” (morally bad and worthless)
[4] He will not allow his heart to become perverse
[5] He will not tolerate those who slander others with an arrogant heart
[6] He will join and walk with the faithful
[7] He will not allow those who deceive in his house for it is a sanctuary of God

As (true) followers of Christ, we are called to be holy, set apart for His kingdom, which is not of this world. We shouldn’t be found in the counsel of the wicked, nor the path of the sinners, nor sit with the scoffers who mock God. (Psalm 1)

This does not make us any better than the next person, for we are called to love our neighbour as ourselves. The difference lies in the fact that we have departed from the world and no longer conform to its standards.

Before we were enslaved to sin, now we are servants of the Almighty God. Living our lives in accordance with His will, pleasing Him in everything we do and above all, bearing fruits of righteousness as a living testimony of His saving grace.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Day 3
Psalms 15 v 1 - 5; 2 Timothy 2 v 14 - 26; Hebrews 2 v 9 - 18

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2 v 15)

Psalm 15 describes the attributes or character of a person who is devoted to the Lord with a pure heart. Those who “abstain from wickedness” are preserved and called for His good work and if we are to handle the “word of truth” correctly, we should avoid quarrels that almost, always lead to arguments, often causing us to say things we might regret.

As servants of the Lord, we should therefore be kind to all people, patient even when wronged and gentle when dealing with those who disagree with the truth and not stand between them and God’s plan of salvation, because we have preached to death what we believe is the truth and often become a stumbling block rather than a stepping stone or a launch pad!

The above might seem like a tall order to us, but we need to remember that God can relate in the form of His Son, who was also tempted, while at his weakest. He has conquered the grave and overcame that which has enslaved us for so long, the fear of death and the fear of the unknown.

Jesus has revealed to us the mysteries of God and through believing in His death and resurrection, we are not only called children of the Father, but also brethren of the Lord Jesus.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Day 2
Romans 6 v 1-23; 1 Peter 1 v 13-16

But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life.” (Rom 6 v 22)

Have you died to your sin and “buried with Him through baptism into [His] death?

Just as it is impossible to serve two masters, it is not possible to live under the law and under grace at the same time, for the one keeps you enslaved to sin, while the other sets you free from the bondage of sin.

The only way to live a holy life is to choose grace and become partakers of righteousness, holy in all our behaviour, dead to sin, but alive to God.

Religion teaches us that we are dependent on the institution for our salvation, while it doesn’t necessarily bring us closer to God. The Scriptures teach us that a life of faith, embedded in the Word, sanctifies us, so that we may have a change of heart and mind.

No law, no matter how strict, can soften one’s heart and force you to do what is right. Yes, the law can point out your shortcomings and sinful nature, but only grace can set you free from sin.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Day 1
1 Thessalonians 4 v 1-8; 1 Thessalonians 5 v 23-24; Romans 12 v 1-2

“… and do not be conformed to this world...” (Rom 12 v 2)

We are called to live holy lives, in sanctification and honour, set apart for the good work of the Lord.

I believe one of our biggest challenges involves the renewing of our minds, not only as non-believers coming to faith, but also as young christians, still finding their way and learning the perfect will of God, or even some believers, who have served the Lord for decades, suddenly finding themselves in a backslidden state.

We are bombarded with the filth and trash this world presents to us, although nicely packaged with what it perceives as good and acceptable. The film and music industry is the worst, dictating to us their beliefs, which stand in direct opposition to the principles and laws of God.

In my opinion, the only way we are able to abstain from all immorality, is dying to self every day, while presenting our body as a “living and holy sacrifice.” But there is more to it. We are three dimensional beings and therefore our soul and spirit is also affected, because our battle is not [only] against flesh and blood, but the [dark] powers controlling this world.

Sometimes we think that we’ll lose out on the fun and excitement this world has to offer, when we choose to follow the Lord, but the exact opposite happens. We are freed from the bondage, that captivates us, when we are enslaved to the system.

If today is your first step towards sanctification, do not allow the world to drag you down, for you have come such a long way to reach this point. If you are seeking the Lord, but have lost your way a bit, it is time to pick up your cross again and follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Your call to holiness
Reading Plan

After the previous reading plan on how to “abide in Christ” as well as completing the article on the person and character of Jesus, I would like to start with another reading plan tomorrow, regarding our “call to holiness”.

Looking at what it means to live a holy life and the expectation from God if we call ourselves children of the Most High. Are we “convenience Christians” or do we take up our cross on a daily basis in our walk with Christ?

Do we strive to live according to the law of Christ or do we follow our own will and only approach Him in times of trouble or need. Living a holy life, means to be set apart for the work of God, living righteously, as one who has been justified through the death of our Lord, Jesus.

Scriptures for “Your call to Holiness”
Day 1 [14 September 2020]
1 Thessalonians 4 v 1 – 8
1 Thessalonians 5 v 23 – 24
Romans 12 v 1 – 2

Day 2 [15 September 2020]
Romans 6 v 1 – 23
1 Peter 1 v 13 – 16

Day 3 [16 September 2020]
Psalms 15 v 1 – 5
2 Timothy 2 v 14 – 26
Hebrews 2 v 9 – 18

Day 4 [17 September 2020]
Colossians 1 v 9 – 13
Galatians 5 v 16 – 26
Psalms 101 v 1 – 8

Day 5 [September 2020]
Philippians 1 v 3 – 11
Psalms 119 v 73 – 80
Psalms 119 v 105 – 112

Join me in prayer today as we prepare for this reading plan. Let us approach the throne of God in reverence and ask Him to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so that we may stand blameless before Him.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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