
Psalm 42 v 1 - 3
"Where is your God?"

Are you experiencing difficulties and persecution? Difficulties could include financial stress, pressure at work or family relationships that are tense, especially during these times. Let’s not forget our own sins that hang over our heads like a sword.

Are you mocked about your faith or tested by those you associate yourself with, asking you, “where is your God“? Do you feel rejected and that God has forsaken you, yet you long for fellowship with Him?

Do not despair. Your God is near. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Take a step in faith. Trust in His faithfulness and deliverance. Put your hope in Him. He will not disappoint. The Lord, your God, is your rock on who you stand in the midst of your trials and tribulations.

My prayer today is that the Spirit will intercede for you, should your soul thirst for God, but you do not know how to approach Him. You might feel ashamed or have given up hope because what they say seem to be true. Do not give up, for tomorrow the sun will rise again, and today God’s loving kindness and multiplied grace will see you through. AMEN

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”