
Day 1
Isaiah 44 v 1 – 5
Romans 8 v 31 – 39
2 Timothy 1 v 6 – 14

My prayer for us this week is to come to the understanding of what unmerited favour really means. Looking forward to receiving His undeserved mercy in our daily walk with our Lord and Saviour.

This unmerited favour, called grace, bestowed upon us, has not come cheap and therefore we should not be ashamed of the God we serve and His gift of grace through the gospel of salvation. “He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done, but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.” (2 Tim 1 v 9).

I thank the Lord for His compassion towards me, a sinner and know that when I truly seek Him and His will for my life and turn away from whatever is keeping me from living a holy life He will forgive me and pour out His undeserved mercy through His spirit who empowers us with love and self-discipline.

Have a blessed sunday in the presence of our Saviour.

Day 2
Rom 3:9 – Rom 4:5

I believe one cannot understand the free gift of grace if you do not understand the purpose of the law.  No one is righteous (v 10) and we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (v 23).  We are justified by faith alone in Christ alone and NO amount of good works or deeds will save us, so we have nothing to boast about and even though we as a fellowship believe that we are required to uphold the law through our faith (v 31) and now live under Christ’s law, a higher, spiritual law.  May our faith (just like Abrahams’s) be credited unto us as righteous.  Amen

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