
Day 1
Isaiah 44 v 1 – 5
Romans 8 v 31 – 39
2 Timothy 1 v 6 – 14

My prayer for us this week is to come to the understanding of what unmerited favour really means. Looking forward to receiving His undeserved mercy in our daily walk with our Lord and Saviour.

This unmerited favour, called grace, bestowed upon us, has not come cheap and therefore we should not be ashamed of the God we serve and His gift of grace through the gospel of salvation. “He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done, but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.” (2 Tim 1 v 9).

I thank the Lord for His compassion towards me, a sinner and know that when I truly seek Him and His will for my life and turn away from whatever is keeping me from living a holy life He will forgive me and pour out His undeserved mercy through His spirit who empowers us with love and self-discipline.

Have a blessed sunday in the presence of our Saviour.

Day 2
Rom 3:9 – Rom 4:5

I believe one cannot understand the free gift of grace if you do not understand the purpose of the law.  No one is righteous (v 10) and we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (v 23).  We are justified by faith alone in Christ alone and NO amount of good works or deeds will save us, so we have nothing to boast about and even though we as a fellowship believe that we are required to uphold the law through our faith (v 31) and now live under Christ’s law, a higher, spiritual law.  May our faith (just like Abrahams’s) be credited unto us as righteous.  Amen

Day 3
Deut 7 v 6-9
Rom 5 v 1-21

I would like to spend some time today in prayer before sharing my thoughts on the passages for day 3. Have a wonderfully blessed day knowing that God’s grace is sufficient and we can come to Him as broken as we are. My prayer is that He will strengthen our faith through His word and Spirit which dwells in us. Amen

So here are my thoughts on today’s passages…  God is faithful, yet His faithfulness and love (and subsequently His grace) is not unconditional.  We are required to keep His commandments and so we should as believers.  Because of the transgression of one man we were destined to be seperated from God forever but through the selfless act of Jesus we received God’s grace and as a result have been made righteous. 

If it wasn’t for the law, exposing our fallen nature, we wouldn’t be able to acknowledge the need for a saviour.  Thank you Lord Jesus for your saving grace, through your death we have been justified. Help us to live a holy, sanctified life.  Cleanse us from all the filth of this world.  May your Name be glorified in heaven and on earth.  Amen

Day 4
Deut 9 v 1-6
Heb 9 v 11-28
Rev 3 v 17-22

… and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness…  Heb 9 v 22

The secular world is blinded by the fact that forgiveness is not needed because according to majority, man is inherently good and therefore many deny the blood of Christ cleansing us from all sin, once and for all.  If not for His sacrifice, would we still be offering animals, whose blood only cleansed those outwardly that were “ceremonially unclean”?  How much more then will the blood of Christ cleanse our consciences?  Vers 14.

Not through out righteousness, but through the grace of God we can overcome and be victorious over our enemy.  Through the grace of God we will sit down with Him at the wedding feast if we remain faithful. Amen

Day 5
Dan 9 v 15-19
1 Cor 1 v 4-9
Eph 2 v 1-10

Thank you Lord for the gift of undeserved mercy, through your undeserved death, although it was your purpose from the beginning to bring salvation to a lost world, regardless of knowing who would accept your free gift and who wouldn’t, you still offered your life so that we may live, blessed with an abundance of grace.  Inherently we all had part in the disobedience, yet you cleansed us from all sins, because of your great love. 

We were dead in our transgressions and made alive through your saving grace.  Lord, give ear and hear our prayers and petitions as we bring our friends and loved ones before you and pray for their healing and salvation where needed.  We do not make requests because we are righteous, but only because of your great mercy.  Blessed be the Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Day 6
John 6 v 44-51
Col 1 v 21-29
1 Cor 15 v 3-11

Food for thought:

By the grace of God we are who (and what) we are – holy in His sight – because of our identity in Christ, Jesus, the bread of life, should we continue in our walk of faith.  Thank you Father for your priceless gift of grace poured out on us all.  Freely we have received and freely we should give brothers.  Blessings in Jesus.  Amen

Thank you Lord Jesus that you show mercy to the ignorant and unbelieving (through calling them to faith) and believers alike, “for we are mere beggers showing the other beggars where the bread is.” Thank you for your patience with us and that even though we disappoint you each and every day, I believe your grace is sufficient if we seek your will, live according to your commandments and love you with all our heart, mind and soul.

Please give us the strength to stand firm in this time of turmoil where the world and the masses seek darkness rather than (your) light. May our hope continue to be in the saving grace you grant us through your death and resurrection. Praise be to the God of heaven and earth! Amen

Day 7
Eph 1 v 3-14
James 4 v 4-10
1 Tim 1 v 12-17

John 12 v 23 – 28 and 35 – 36
We cannot love our lives and the comforts of this world, while serving and following God. Everything the world promotes as good and acceptable, goes against the very essence, we as believers, stand for. Therefore, believe and walk in the light, while we still can, because darkness is overtaking this world at a rapid pace. Stand firm, brothers and trust in the Lord for He is faithful. Amen

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