
I would like to leave something in your midst… what is (y)our calling? Are you in the will of God and as a result where you should be? Join me for the next 2 weeks on “calling” starting tomorrow (Saturday). Let’s seek the Lord and discover what He has installed for each one of us as a member of a larger body.

Be prepared, be bold and willing to follow His will for your life. Remember that even Jesus asked if it was possible for the cup to pass but that the will of the Father be done and so should we pray that whatever we desire the will of God be done in our lives. It’s a small sacrifice compared to the price He paid…

looking forward to yet another expedition as we explore the wonderful Word of God. Have a blessed Friday knowing that God loves you and wants you to call on Him in both good and difficult times. Seek Him with your whole heart and trust in Him cause He knows what He’s doing. We serve a competent God, who’s timing is perfect! Amen

Day 1
Gen 12 v 1-7; Gen 15 v 1-21; Heb 11 v 8-12

My prayer is that we will be open, transparent and honest with the Lord, willing to take up our cross, no matter the cost. Stay on your knees and serve the Lord in humility. Blessings 🙏

By faith Abra(ha)m – when called – obeyed the Lord and went to an unknown place. He was willing to listen and obey. Trusting fully that the Lord would provide. Are we willing to give up our comfort to sleep in “tents”? Allow God to be the architect and builder of your dreams and your calling.

Give over to Him completely. My prayer today is that the Holy Spirit will be your guide and the Word your Compass, directing your ways. Have (enough) faith in our God that He will give you your heart’s desires, but continue to seek His will, believing that He knows best. 🙏

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