
I would like to leave something in your midst… what is (y)our calling? Are you in the will of God and as a result where you should be? Join me for the next 2 weeks on “calling” starting tomorrow (Saturday). Let’s seek the Lord and discover what He has installed for each one of us as a member of a larger body.

Be prepared, be bold and willing to follow His will for your life. Remember that even Jesus asked if it was possible for the cup to pass but that the will of the Father be done and so should we pray that whatever we desire the will of God be done in our lives. It’s a small sacrifice compared to the price He paid…

looking forward to yet another expedition as we explore the wonderful Word of God. Have a blessed Friday knowing that God loves you and wants you to call on Him in both good and difficult times. Seek Him with your whole heart and trust in Him cause He knows what He’s doing. We serve a competent God, who’s timing is perfect! Amen

Day 1
Gen 12 v 1-7; Gen 15 v 1-21; Heb 11 v 8-12

My prayer is that we will be open, transparent and honest with the Lord, willing to take up our cross, no matter the cost. Stay on your knees and serve the Lord in humility. Blessings 🙏

By faith Abra(ha)m – when called – obeyed the Lord and went to an unknown place. He was willing to listen and obey. Trusting fully that the Lord would provide. Are we willing to give up our comfort to sleep in “tents”? Allow God to be the architect and builder of your dreams and your calling.

Give over to Him completely. My prayer today is that the Holy Spirit will be your guide and the Word your Compass, directing your ways. Have (enough) faith in our God that He will give you your heart’s desires, but continue to seek His will, believing that He knows best. 🙏

Scriptures for the rest of the reading plan. May the Lord bless this journey and open up a whole new world to us. Be open to changes if and when He deems appropriate. Although we have free will, I for one, prefer to be in His perfect will. Thanks for joining me.

Day 2
Ex 3 v 1-17; ps 105 v 26-38

What an honour for Moses to be called by God, although it seemed somewhat daunting as his first response was “who am I…?” and “who shall I say sent me?” after which the Lord answered “ tell them I AM sent you”[paraphrase] while giving Moses the assurance that He would be with him.

Be alert, sober and tuned in so that when God calls you, you would recognize His voice and be willing to go where he might send you, knowing you are not alone and that He will provide in all your needs. Thank you Lord that each of us have a calling in your Kingdom. 🙏

Day 3
Num 27 v 18-23; Deur 31 v 14-23; Jos 1 v 1-9

Be strong and courageous, like Josua (Deut 31 v 23 and Jos 1 v 6) and obey the Lord’s commandments by Loving Him with your whole being and your fellow man as yourself.  Meditate on His Word day and night.  Then you will be prosperous and successful regardless of what you do and where you may go. 

I believe this is conditional though,  and that you have to remain in the Lord.  The key for me is that we are willing and available for the Lord’s work everyday while dealing with others in the workplace, in the supermarket, on the road, etc.  Your calling might be that of a Joshua, a Jonah or a Paul, regardless of the calling, we should remember we are working for the Lord.  Have a blessed Monday all

Day 4
Judges 6 v 7-40

Are we not like Gideon many times when the Lord calls us to do something?  Regardless, It doesn’t seem  like God was disappointed in him or rejected his requests…  are we of little faith?  Often!  Do we ask for signs?  Absolutely!  How many times do we want to see before we believe or see before we trust in Him..? 

Also Gideon didn’t consider himself worthy, yet the Lord called him because He knew Gideon’s heart and character.  My prayer is that we will be willing to serve as a living sacrifice, a living testimony, trusting unconditionally so that we will be prepared everyday, doing what our hand finds to do, while we wait on the Lord, cause He wants us to die to self first before living for Him!  Blessings in Jesus

Day 5
1 Sam 3 v 1-21

How often has the Lord called us before today? Once, twice, many times perhaps? Have you waited on Him and His still small voice. Has He put something on your heart and you simply knew you had to do it?! That realization that you cannot rest until it’s done or said…

If not, be open to the Lord’s voice today, like Samuel was and rest assured that none of your words will fall to the ground provided that it is His words, spoken through you. Ask God today what your calling is, even something seemingly insignificant can change someone’s life. May God direct your path through His Spirit. Amen

Day 6
1 Sam 16 v 1-23

I noticed that I read this scripture a week ago, up to verse 13 and posted my comment again, but would like to add 1 more thought at the bottom…

I believe many are called but few are chosen (Mat 22 v 14). David attended to the sheep when he was called to start working for the Lord and was chosen, even though his brothers were also called. I believe we all have a calling in the Kingdom of God, which is not of this world. I believe none of us are too weak and seemingly insignificant, that we cannot do God’s work.

I believe we are all where we should be if we are in the will of God. I believe He can use all of us to do His work right where we are, BUT rise up when God calls you and be prepared and willing to follow Him where the Spirit leads you. May He choose you today for His kingdom’s sake.

I pray that He will open your spiritual ears and eyes. Listen to His still small voice among the hustle and bustle of this world while simply passing through. Do not be intimidated by men if the Lord has put something on your heart and instructed you to do it. May the Lord protect you and bless you today, tomorrow and everyday day to follow….

God seems to have a way of using “normal” people like us to do the work of His Kingdom. Many who are called may just be too busy with the magnitude of things this world has to offer, while the chosen ones are willing to sacrifice the comforts of this life and make themselves available for Him. Remain in the Lord and stay humble, knowing that He can choose you today for His Kingdom’s sake. 🙏

Day 7
1 Chron 28 v 2-21

We are called to be priests in the kingdom of God (1 Pet 2 v 5,9 Rom 15 v 16), each one a living stone, taking part in building this spiritual house, while we minister the gospel to others and offer spiritual sacrifices (living a holy life and all that entails) acceptable to the Lord. Brothers, let us serve God with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind (and heart).

This is the promise – if we seek Him, we will find Him (1 Chron 2 v 9). Be strong and courageous and don’t become discouraged (vers 20) for the Lord is with us, His spirit dwells within us and Remember we can do ALL things through the power of the Cross. Be diligent in your daily service, wherever you are, for we are God’s servants! Have a blessed and peaceful Friday 🙏

Day 8
Is 45 v 1-25

We are living in a time where the Lord is calling on those who rebel against Him to be saved, more than ever before and It might seem that He is delaying His return. Just look at the state of the world and the people around us….

The God of Israel, Who keeps His promises and appoints every man in his position as He sees fit even though most of them do not acknowledge Him, will deliver those that come to Him and acknowledge Him as the one and ONLY God and Creator of everything. Isn’t it more important that God calls them to be saved than to have some kind of position in this life?! Having said that, we should use our positions, as priests and prophets, proclaiming the truth of God to this broken world, in which God has called each one of us.

In the end every knee will bow, but many will be shamed and acknowledge Him who sits on the throne, when it is too late… I pray that the Spirit will rise you up today as an instrument in God’s hands to do the work of the Father. May He richly bless you and your loved ones. Amen 🙏

Day 9
Ezek 2 v 1-3 and v 15

What a HUGE calling and MAMOTH task lay ahead of Ezekiel, so much so, that he became “deeply distressed”, yet he obeyed the Lord and went on this journey, fully aware of the task at hand.

He had to warn the rebellious nation of Israel of God’s judgement and I do not think we can begin to imagine just how far they have dwelled from the Lord, because God told him that had he gone to another nation they would have listened, but all of Israel wasn’t willing to listen to the Lord Himself, yet he would send him to his own people to warn them of the judgement at hand so that they had no excuse.

How difficult is it not to give your own people (family) the truth and warn them of the pending judgement?! Probably one of the hardest things to do, but God will give you the strength and the words at the appointed time to bring the message or warning to those needing to hear it and we know that the people need to hear it. May the Lord choose each one of you and prepare you today for the time has come for people to listen to what the God of Israel is saying. May His Spirit fill you and guide you in all truth. Amen

Day 10
Hos 1 v 1-11; Amos 7 v 10-17

May the Lord never say of us that we are “not loved” and “not his people”. Hosea must have had a difficult task to fullfill and whether he considered it a tough ask or not, he was called by the Lord and obeyed. Sometimes the Lord wants us to do something and it just doesn’t seem to make sense for our small minds, but He knows what He’s doing so trust in Him when that day comes.

To be called by God is an honour, yet there is always a price to pay, a trade-off. Therefore He says that we should consider the cost carefully like you would when building a house. You wouldn’t simply rush into something like that without careful planning, would you?

Know that when He calls you for His kingdom’s sake everything here on earth becomes meaningless and should simply be a means to an end. Be prepared, for today might be your day. I pray that whatever it is our Father in Heaven has installed for you that you will give yourself completely knowing you will not be disappointed. May your week be filled with the riches of God’s blessings. Amen

Day 11
Mat 4 v 18-22; Mark 2 v 13-15; Mark 3 v 13-19; John 15 v 14-17

My thoughts… Would we give up everything should God call us and for the sake of the Gospel, depart from our family and friends… ? Would we? It doesn’t always have to be that extreme and the disciples had a specific calling.

We can still enjoy our family and friends, while being called by God to serve Him, as long as He remains priority in our lives and we don’t compromise on our faith. We won’t always be popular, in fact, be prepared to be rejected and sometimes even hated, for His Name’s sake. Who can relate? In John 15 v 14 He calls us “friends” if we do what He commands and that is to love one another (like He loved us).

So, we are ALL called to love our fellow man, i.e. neighbour, family and friends alike – without exception! My prayer is that we will bear fruit of righteousness so that people may come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Be blessed 🙏

Do not become dismayed brothers when you experience persecution. Stand firm in your faith and know that the power of prayer can help you accomplish victory over (y)our fears and sins. I pray that the Lord will keep you safe and protect us. 🙏

Day 12
Mark 10 v 17-31; 1 Pet 1 v 3-21

My grandad used to say that we will see people in heaven we never expected to be there and just based on my experiences the last couple of months I think he was right. Many who seem to be first in this life (proclaiming to be christians) will not necessarily sit at the feet of our Lord when their life here comes to an end… you may ask what this has to do with our calling?

Well, I believe in this life, we are called into a relationship with God, to serve and love Him with our whole being while, living holy lives, loving each other and living in dependency as “foreigners” knowing that He is our provider. Seeking our treasure – our inheritance – in Heaven, longing after everlasting life, an eternity with Him.

The trials and tribulations we have to endure is a small price to pay for the ultimate prize, that awaits us, should we finish this race, even if we seem to be last in this life. 🙏

Day 13
Acts 9 v 1-31

What an amazing event, the conversion and calling of the man we know as Paul. One cannot believe that it is he who once persecuted the church and for that (his conversion) they (religious and jews) wanted him dead, astonishing, isn’t it?

They had no problem when he went after believers wanting them imprisoned and killed, until he found Jesus and came to faith. Now they wanted him dead, why? For telling the truth? Doesn’t that sound familiar? Once again proof that you cannot have an encounter with Jesus and not be changed, but also that you WILL be persecuted for His Name sake.

We are called to love, we are called to obey the Lord, we are called to live holy lives and we are called to serve. Be a Paul, neither afraid, nor ashamed of the Gospel. We can all share the truth of the saving grace of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Have a blessed day 🙏

Day 14
1 Cor 1 v 1-31

As we come to the end of this chapter it is clear to me, that God calls us to 1) have child like faith in the power of the cross and to 2) preach the gospel as it was originally intended. Not with wisdom gained through man. But through His spirit. Is it not (actually supposed to be) the easiest and simplest thing to get saved?

He who believes with his heart and confess with his mouth that Jesus rose from the dead is saved… the cross is a good start but there’s more. Jesus has risen , the grave is empty and this is what we should preach and be in one accord with, united in mind and thought. There’s life after death in this life… how many people do you know who simply think everything ends when they die? I know quite a few. Preach the cross and the resurrection.

Preach the gospel of the kingdom, which is at hand. Our days here are numbered. Jesus is coming soon and we have to prepare ourselves. Be the salt of the earth. Be a light in this dark world which Satan rules. Plant a seed and allow the Spirit to water it. My prayer is that God will equip you today so that you can go out and make Him known.

Be alert, be sober, be patient, wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. Remember, we are working with souls that are hurt and damaged. Show the love and compassion of Christ. Be that shoulder to cry on. Show a little tough love when needed but always led by the spirit. Be blessed 🙏

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