
I would like to propose the following for the time prior to the elections as our battle is not (only) “against flesh and blood, but against principalities and dark forces of this world.” [paraphrase]. Would you join me in putting on the armour of God, starting on Monday? Let’s stand firm in our faith and trust in the Lord for there seem to be difficult times ahead for us, not only locally, but across the world.

Monday, 22 April
Preparing in Prayer

I would like to dedicate today in prayer as we prepare to put on the full armour of God in order to stand firm in our faith as we will not make it through the times ahead if we do not fully rely on Him for provision, trust in Him completely for protection and put our hope in Him that regardless of the outcome, He will make it work out for good for those that love Him.

Join me in prayer and ask the Lord to cleanse our hearts and minds while purifying our thoughts. Let Him wash our bodies through His Spirit and restore our soul. Our best efforts are like filthy rags but we cannot put on His armour while the flesh is not put under submission.

Today, let us petition before the Lord as a body of believers, scattered all over the World, that He may hear our prayers and strengthen us while we prepare for battle. Thank you for joining me on this journey. May the Lord keep you safe and bless you during this time. 🙏

Tuesday, 23 April
Ephesians 6 v 10 – 13

it is written twice that we should “put on the FULL armour of God” and therefore I believe we cannot put on less or simply what we choose to, and when we feel like it. Somewhere you will be exposed and this chink in one’s armour could cause us to fall as the enemy is like a roaring lion waiting to devour us.

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