
I would like to propose the following for the time prior to the elections as our battle is not (only) “against flesh and blood, but against principalities and dark forces of this world.” [paraphrase]. Would you join me in putting on the armour of God, starting on Monday? Let’s stand firm in our faith and trust in the Lord for there seem to be difficult times ahead for us, not only locally, but across the world.

Monday, 22 April
Preparing in Prayer

I would like to dedicate today in prayer as we prepare to put on the full armour of God in order to stand firm in our faith as we will not make it through the times ahead if we do not fully rely on Him for provision, trust in Him completely for protection and put our hope in Him that regardless of the outcome, He will make it work out for good for those that love Him.

Join me in prayer and ask the Lord to cleanse our hearts and minds while purifying our thoughts. Let Him wash our bodies through His Spirit and restore our soul. Our best efforts are like filthy rags but we cannot put on His armour while the flesh is not put under submission.

Today, let us petition before the Lord as a body of believers, scattered all over the World, that He may hear our prayers and strengthen us while we prepare for battle. Thank you for joining me on this journey. May the Lord keep you safe and bless you during this time. 🙏

Tuesday, 23 April
Ephesians 6 v 10 – 13

it is written twice that we should “put on the FULL armour of God” and therefore I believe we cannot put on less or simply what we choose to, and when we feel like it. Somewhere you will be exposed and this chink in one’s armour could cause us to fall as the enemy is like a roaring lion waiting to devour us.

Let’s prepare today to put on the full armour of God in order to stand firm in our faith and trust in Him rather than men and institutions. Surrender to the Lord today. Pray with me that He will hear our prayers for strength and humility as we kneel before His thrown. Start this day knowing that the Lion of Judah is our rock and our salvation! Amen

Wednesday, 24 April
Ephesians 6 v 14 – 18

Today, before we step out into this world, put on the FULL armour of God beloved brothers. If your day has already reached noon, like our friend down under, I know that you are walking in faith, prepared to withstand the onslaught from the devil. I realize more and more, each day, that we are fighting a spiritual battle and need to prepare and wage war in a spiritual manner and therefore require these spiritual weapons.

Do not neglect any of them. Stand firm in what you believe knowing that our prize awaits us should we overcome this world. I pray that our Heavenly Father will strengthen you and refresh your faith. Have a blessed day knowing that whatever comes your way, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Amen

This serves as a reminder of where we come from. The only thing we can boast about is our salvation in Christ, who saved a wretch like me! Be cautious that we don’t become so proud, having a knowledge of the truth that we hurt people through our words and actions, thinking we are giving them a (our) version of the truth, while only seeing in part anyway. I thank the Lord for His grace 🙏

Thursday, 25 April
The HELMET of salvation
2 Cor 10 v 3 – 6

Do not allow your mind to drift away from your purpose you have in Christ by taking captive your every thought that is not in line with God’s Word – with His help off course. As believers we should have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2 v 16). I pray that the Lord will cleanse our hearts and minds and direct each and every thought to reflect His Holiness. Having put on the FULL armour of God, the filth of this world should not enter into our minds, unless we let our guard down. Stand firm and be vigilant in this battle, knowing that Jesus has overcome this world!!!

Friday, 26 April
Application and prayer

My prayer for today is that God will grant us the same attitude of mind toward each other, that Jesus had, so that we may glorify Him with one voice and one mind (Rom 15 v 5-6). Let’s go out today with the notion that God can do just that, knowing that we are dependant on Him for that gift. Do not conform to the ideas of the world (or our own for that matter), but allow God to transform our minds today and each day to follow. All the Glory to the Lord our God! Amen

Saturday, 27 April
The BREASTPLATE of righteousness
Ps 5 v 12 and Phil 3 v 9

What does the breastplate protect? Our hearts, off course. Our hearts that are deceitful and wicked above all things. Our heart which is the source of pride, for it is that which comes out of a man that defiles him. What (or whom) is your source of righteousness? What (or whom) determines your righteousness? If you define it yourself, you will not receive the Lord’s blessing, His favour. Our faith alone in Our Messiah alone should be our source of righteousness and nothing else.

I pray that the Spirit will govern our hearts and protect us from the onslaughts of the enemy. May He guard your heart so that the devil cannot find any way to defile you. May He keep our hearts pure so that we can be in right standing with the Lord. Stand firm knowing that the Lord has delivered us and now that we have a choice, a free will, we can overcome, through His grace, off course. Amen

Sunday, 28 April
Application and prayer

This is my prayer brothers in Christ. That you will go out today – empowered by the Holy Spirit and justified by the blood of Jesus and the grace freely received through his sacrifice (Rom 5 v 9, Rom 3 v 24 – 25) in order to be in right standing with AND walk in the righteousness of God. May He protect you and guard your heart against every evil intention as our battle is spiritual and we are vulnerable without his covering. Have a peaceful and blessed day.

Monday 29 April
The SHIELD of faith
2 Cor 5 v 6 – 7

“We walk by faith and not by sight” for faith comes through hearing and is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we don’t see (Heb 11 v 1). For this reason Abraham’s faith (and trust) was reckoned unto him as righteousness. Will we trust in the Lord today and follow Him regardless the cost?

Will we have faith in Him for who He is or put our trust in our own faith?! Stand firm in your faith today knowing you can withstand any attack from the devil. Fix your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

Tuesday, 30 April
Application and prayer

My prayer for today is that the Lord will be your STRENGTH, your ROCK, your DELIVERER, your FORTRESS, your STRONGHOLD, your SHIELD and your SALVATION (Psalms). Trust in Him and take refuge in Him. That is the only thing that has kept me standing brothers through my trials and tribulations, which all of us have to endure. Our shield of faith will keep our hearts from longing after the lusts of the flesh and pride of life. May the Lord keep you safe today and pour out the riches of his blessings upon you and your loved ones. All glory to the living God we serve. Amen

Wednesday, 1 May
The BELT of truth
Ps 86 v 11, Eph 4 v 15 and Ps 15 v 1,2

What is this TRUTH or should I rather ask WHO is this truth? John 17 v 17 says “… thy Word is truth”. We know that The Word has always been there and the Word became flesh.. so is it safe to say that Jesus is This Truth and to know Him is to know TRUTH? You are thinking that you knew that, right?

Then again, It’s one thing to know (about) The Truth, it’s another thing to trust in this Truth, to live according to the Truth through righteousness, to believe the Truth and to love the Truth.. as brothers in Christ, who is the Head of the body let’s pray that the Spirit (of truth) will lead us into ALL Truth – in order that we may stand (and walk) upright and blameless before our King! May we dwell in His presence, knowing that His Truth directs our thoughts and that we may have undivided hearts longing after the Truth – our Messiah – Jesus.

May His Truth set us free from the temptations of this world and what it has to offer. Thank you Jesus for your truth, spoken to us through your Word. Wash us clean, white as snow that we may enter the Holy of Holies. Amen 🙏🙏

Thursday, 2 May
Application and prayer

My prayer today, according to Eph 1 v 13 is that we will continue to hear the message of truth, the gospel of our salvation, just as we did when we came to faith. Also, let us continue to listen to the voice of truth – the Holy Spirit – who intercedes for us. If we stay faithful to His Word and live according to His truth, the Lord will not withhold His compassion from us and His loving kindness and truth will continue to preserve us (Ps 40 v 11) Have a blessed day 🙏

Friday, 3 May
The SWORD of the Spirit
Heb 4 v 12

“For the WORD of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged SWORD, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Whether this scripture refers to Jesus or the bible or both, I don’t see a life of victory over sin without Him. He judges our thoughts and attitudes of our hearts so let’s be honest about the state of our soul and have Jesus penetrate our innermost being through His Spirit so that we may bare fruit according to His will.

Allow Him to bring devision between the lusts of the flesh and His spirit within us. This is a life changing event and we can only fight this battle that rages in our flesh with his Spirit leading the way. Allow Him to enter in and strengthen your faith so that we can stand firm in our walk with Him today. Blessings in Jesus

Saturday, 4 May
Application and prayer

These are my thoughts for today and trust you will be edified by it. Pray at all times that we remain faithful to the Lord. Question? How do we – for lack of a better word – utilize the SWORD of the SPIRIT? Do we use it to cut off people’s ears? Do we use it as our book of judgement or to justify our (own) belief system as christians? Or, do we use it as our reference and source towards a holy lifestyle?

Our guide and compass revealing the true nature of God? My prayer brothers in Christ is that the Holy Spirit will open our hearts, eyes, minds and ears so that we may [utilize] the SWORD of the SPIRIT in the form of the Word of God in order to spread the Good News and the Gospel of the Kingdom in LOVE and with COMPASSION. May we be known by our fruits, led by the Spirit to give a word in season and not through our own efforts.

May we proclaim Jesus as the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE in such a way that people’s souls will long after Him and would want to leave their old, sinful lifestyle. May we stand firm in our belief of the risen Lord – today, tomorrow and the rest of this earthly journey. Join me in prayer today and do not be discouraged. We have the power of the Spirit and is able to do all things through Him who has saved us from the clutches of evil. All glory to God, the Father, The one and only Messiah, Yeshua and the Spirit of Truth, empowering us to live a Christ filled and Christ centered life. Amen!!!

Sunday, 5 May
The SHOES of peace
John 14 v 27

I believe only Jesus can give true peace (shalom) through His Spirit that abide in us. Therefore let us prepare ourselves with this GOSPEL of PEACE to go out and spread the Good News. My prayer is that the Lord will call each one of us, where we are – regardless our circumstances – to share something about His love, kindness, compassion and His kingdom in season.

May He direct you to someone in need, whether family, a friend or a complete stranger. May He even send someone to you and me who is in dire straits and in desperate need of our Saviour. Pray with me that the Spirit will lead us to say what is needed knowing that THEN His words will not return empty and accomplish all He desires (Is 55 v 11) Stand firm in the promise that God will deliver us and protect us from evil. Do not be ashamed of the Gospel and the saving Grace of our Messiah.

May you be the instrument in God’s hands to bring someone to faith. Love one another [like Christ loved us] knowing that love covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet 4 v 8). May the Lord equip us with His miracle working power to do His work so that others too can share in the banquet He has prepared for us. His peace and grace be upon you today! Thank you Lord for your sacrifice so that we may truly live a Christ filled life. 🙏

Monday, 6 May
Application and prayer

I pray for the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit today. I trust that we will be prepared to do the work of God, where we are and with what we have. May our minds be renewed, the attitudes of our hearts changed and the longing to lead someone to Christ burn like a fire in your soul. Be alert at all times and sober in the spirit. Thank you Lord for your saving grace. 🙏

Tuesday, 7 May
Pray in the SPIRIT on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests, dedicated especially to the elections to be free and fair (regardless of opinion), for the the leaders to be convicted and drawn to God and for people to put their trust in the Lord and not in men.

I urge you to walk in prayer today, knowing that we serve and worship a living God and that he answers the prayers of the minority. Perhaps not in a way we always desire but for the greater good for those who love Him and walk according to His ways, while keeping His commandments and seeking His will. I bring all of you before the Lord and request that God will equip you with His Spirit to go out into the wilderness to do His work.

You have the full armour of God, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, who can withstand His wrath, His truth and His glory. May our Heavenly Father grant us the opportunity to shine His light in this dark and empty world as people are in desperate need of salvation. Don’t let these just be empty words today, but instead followed by our actions as I believe the Lord will hear our prayers should we submit to His divine will. Amen 🙏

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