
Day 1
Romans 6 v 1 – 14
Romans 7 v 15 – 25

Please read Romans chapters 6,7 and 8 in order to see things in perspective regarding today’s scriptures….

Romans 6,7 and 8 gives a clear picture of what it means to live under the law of Christ, i.e.  His Grace, which by no means gives us carte blanche to do as we please and I believe Rad’s passage ties in nicely with that.  We are called to be dead to sin, but alive in Christ as slaves to righteousness.  This present suffering does not compare to the future, eternal glory that we will experience in God’s presence.  Subject yourself therefore to the law of Christ, which is a higher spiritual law and be led by the Spirit so that we can be called children of God.

Day 2
2 Cron 30 v 6 – 9
Ezek 14 v 1 – 11
James 4 v 4 – 10

It basically boils down to this brothers…

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4 v 7)

Let’s remove those idols from our hearts that continue to come between us and the Lord.  Turn to the Lord if you have strayed so that you can once more be called His son and He your Father. 

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