
Day 1
Romans 6 v 1 – 14
Romans 7 v 15 – 25

Please read Romans chapters 6,7 and 8 in order to see things in perspective regarding today’s scriptures….

Romans 6,7 and 8 gives a clear picture of what it means to live under the law of Christ, i.e.  His Grace, which by no means gives us carte blanche to do as we please and I believe Rad’s passage ties in nicely with that.  We are called to be dead to sin, but alive in Christ as slaves to righteousness.  This present suffering does not compare to the future, eternal glory that we will experience in God’s presence.  Subject yourself therefore to the law of Christ, which is a higher spiritual law and be led by the Spirit so that we can be called children of God.

Day 2
2 Cron 30 v 6 – 9
Ezek 14 v 1 – 11
James 4 v 4 – 10

It basically boils down to this brothers…

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4 v 7)

Let’s remove those idols from our hearts that continue to come between us and the Lord.  Turn to the Lord if you have strayed so that you can once more be called His son and He your Father. 

Day 3
Mat 16 v 21 – 28
Mat 25 v 31 – 40

A lot to ponder on after reading today’s passages.  May you have a successful day wherever you are and remember that whatever we do, we work for the Lord.  He appointed us in our various positions for a reason.  A good friend always says the following:  “do the best you can, where you are, with what you have” (paraphrase).  Let’s go out there and make a difference in someone’s life.  You might just bring the good news at the right time, perhaps not knowing there desperate circumstances.  Whatever we do, we do for the glory of God!

My thoughts:

According to today’s scriptures, I believe submitting to God is two-fold.

1.  We have to deny self, our fleshy desires, our wants and take up our cross   and follow Him, while

2.  Doing good to others, as if we are doing it to the Lord, Himself.

In denying oneself, you subsequently resist the lusts of the flesh and the temptations of this world.  In theory it’s as simple as that, right?  Perhaps doing good to others is much easier?  How often do we feed a stranger, clothe the needy, look after the sick or visit those in prison or simply give a word of encouragement to someone on the edge of breaking down emotionally?  My prayer is that the Lord will send those who are needy to us so that we can make a difference in their lives.  Let’s submit to God as loyal servants and do what Christians are suppose to do, serve each other, carry each other’s burdens, wash each other’s feet.  May the Lord bless you and keep you safe.

Day 4
Ps 119 v 1 – 32

Praise be to the Lord.  May He teach us His decrees.  We praise Him with an upright heart.  Hide His Word in your heart.  Meditate on His precepts.  Delight in His Statutes.  May He strengthen us according to His Word and His will.  Open the eyes of our hearts Lord….

Please read the whole chapter of Psalm 119 and share your thoughts.  May we see with spiritual eyes and hear with spiritual ears, may we walk in the Spirit day and night.  Pray in the Spirit continually and walk according to His ways, His decrees, His statutes, His holy Word.  Have a blessed day.  Yours in Christ


Day 5
Rom 5 v 1 – 20
1 Pet 5 v 5 – 10

Brothers, i am continuing to surrender to the Lord and would like to complete the week of surrender.  Today’s (Day5) scriptures are from Rom 5 v 1 – 20 and 1 Pet 5 v 5 – 10.  In sin we are God’s enemies but through accepting the justification by His blood we are reconciled with God.  I would like to expand a bit more this evening as these passages speak about the very essence of our salvation.  Have a blessed day.

My thoughts:

We are saved through faith alone in Christ alone… you might think that this is obvious for believers and so it should be, but how often do we find ourselves having faith in (our) faith or the knowledge of faith (or God)!?

Our hope and trust should be in our Lord, Jesus, regardless of our suffering in this life.  He died for our transgressions after all, and through His death we gained access to God’s grace.  Let us boast in the hope of the glory of God.  A hope that will not put us to shame. The curse of sin was broken through His blood that was spilt and as a result His love was poured into our hearts.

We need to understand the nature of the law before we can fully grasp God’s grace.  Knowing that the law cannot save but points to our Saviour let us die to sin and live for Christ, knowing that His grace is sufficient. Humble yourselves before God dear brothers.  Resist the devil and stand firm in your faith.  The suffering in this world is temporary compared to the eternity that awaits us, should we remain faithful to our Lord and Saviour.

Day 6
Rom 8 v 5 – 17
Col 2 v 20 – 3 v 11

My thoughts:

Dear brothers in Christ.  My cup runneth over, even during this trying time, knowing we are not alone.  I set my heart on the things above and put my earthly nature to death.  Let us rid ourselves of all anger, lies and all filthy language that might come from our lips.  Put on a new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.  (Col 3 v 10)

Today is the day for renewal and if you are struggling to overcome, know this – Christ has paved the way and paid a tremendous price for our salvation.  A price that we can never comprehend while in this world.  I pray that He will comfort you and that through His Spirit you will submit fully and give over completely. 

Thank you for your support and prayers.  May the Good Lord bless and keep you safe.

Day 7
Heb 12 v  4 – 13 and Heb 5 v 1 – 10

It seems obedience often comes through suffering and hardships, which builds character and teaches us to persevere.  Know that when the Lord disciplines you it is because He loves you like a Father loves his son.  I know it’s not pleasant but the reward is far greater.  Be completely honest with the Lord regarding your spiritual state and offer prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears (Heb 5 v 7) so that He can transform us into legitimate sons and daughters of the most High.

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