
Brothers, I would like to start “a week on God’s provision” tomorrow for those who would like to join in, the first scripture is from Luke 2 v 1 – 21. Like always I will share my thoughts and invite you to do the same. God is good and always consistent, especially through trying times, when we completely trust in Him. Looking forward to a week of trusting in God’s goodness and putting my hope in Him, while striving to make it a permanent lifestyle! 🙏

Day 1
Luke 2 v 1 – 21

My thoughts:
At first glance I wondered what a census had to do with God’s provision and quickly realized that not only is this about God providing a manger (stable) for Mary to give birth as no rooms were available, but God also providing us with the promised Messiah. This was the ultimate provision for our salvation, first and foremost.

Somewhere it is written that man cannot live on bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God (paraphrase). It is also written that the Word became flesh. In realizing this – that Jesus is the source of life – we should better understand what provision really entails. Seek first the Kingdom of God and the rest will be added.

May you experience God’s goodness this coming week and May His grace be upon you and your loved ones.

Day 2
Luke 12 v 1 – 12
Matt 9 v 18 – 26

Thanks be to our Creator for His amazing love, unsurpassed kindness, overwhelming goodness and abundant grace.  Looking forward to the next few days as we dig deeper into His Word, trusting and relying on Him.

Think about it… God, Himself, provided us with His Son in the form of Jesus…  When Jesus ascended into Heaven He provided us with the Holy Spirit.  Be blessed knowing that His Spirit intercedes for us and guides us into all truth. 

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