
Brothers, I would like to start “a week on God’s provision” tomorrow for those who would like to join in, the first scripture is from Luke 2 v 1 – 21. Like always I will share my thoughts and invite you to do the same. God is good and always consistent, especially through trying times, when we completely trust in Him. Looking forward to a week of trusting in God’s goodness and putting my hope in Him, while striving to make it a permanent lifestyle! 🙏

Day 1
Luke 2 v 1 – 21

My thoughts:
At first glance I wondered what a census had to do with God’s provision and quickly realized that not only is this about God providing a manger (stable) for Mary to give birth as no rooms were available, but God also providing us with the promised Messiah. This was the ultimate provision for our salvation, first and foremost.

Somewhere it is written that man cannot live on bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God (paraphrase). It is also written that the Word became flesh. In realizing this – that Jesus is the source of life – we should better understand what provision really entails. Seek first the Kingdom of God and the rest will be added.

May you experience God’s goodness this coming week and May His grace be upon you and your loved ones.

Day 2
Luke 12 v 1 – 12
Matt 9 v 18 – 26

Thanks be to our Creator for His amazing love, unsurpassed kindness, overwhelming goodness and abundant grace.  Looking forward to the next few days as we dig deeper into His Word, trusting and relying on Him.

Think about it… God, Himself, provided us with His Son in the form of Jesus…  When Jesus ascended into Heaven He provided us with the Holy Spirit.  Be blessed knowing that His Spirit intercedes for us and guides us into all truth. 

May the Lord provide each of you with the peace (shalom) that only He can offer us.  God is good, God is able.  He knows our needs.  Even the number of your hair is counted.  Seek his Kingdom FIRST and the rest will be added.  Amen

Day 3
James 4 v 1 – 10 and Matt 7 v 7 –  12.

Need some time today to ponder on these passages 🤔 in the meantime there is a promise.  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Acknowledge Him in everyhing you do.  Seek Him with all your heart.  Love Him with your whole mind and soul.  Long after Him. 

Look forward to spend time with Him.  God has shown us His favour already and through the work on the cross has provided a way for us to be in rightstanding with our Creator.  Use this opportunity daily as we never know when our days are numbered.  Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

James 4 v 1 – 10

My thoughts:

How often do we ask God with the wrong motives for material things?  Shouldn’t we ask for wisdom and discernment instead like Solomon did?  God provides us with (more) Grace and shows us favour as long as we humble ourselves before Him.  Let us ask God to cleanse our hearts and minds and provide us with a sober spirit that longs to fellowship with Him.

Scriptures for “a Week on Surrender”  DAY 4

2 Chronicles 7 v 11 – 22 and Romans 4 v 13 – 25

Brothers, wishing you a blessed, pleasant, peaceful and successful Thursday.  May God  be your provider.  Turn to Him not only in your times of need, but every moment of every day, putting your hope and trust in Him.  Once again much to contemplate over after reading today’s scriptures. 

May I request that when we post something like a scripture, song or quote, that you give a short motivation for the reason(s) why you are sharing it.  I believe this will add value and give meaning to the post and also help us (possibly) better understand where everyone finds themselves in their walk of faith.

Day 4
2 Chronicles 7 v 11 – 22 and Romans 4 v 13 – 25

Brothers, wishing you a blessed, pleasant, peaceful and successful Thursday. May God be your provider. Turn to Him not only in your times of need, but every moment of every day, putting your hope and trust in Him. Once again much to contemplate over after reading today’s scriptures.

My thoughts:

“Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness…”

We all know of the promise God made to Abraham, whom believed through faith and it is written that it is also reckoned unto us as righteousness, if we believe in Him who rose Jesus from the dead to life so that we might be justified (Rom 4 v 24 – 25).  Once again we see how the Lord provided for Abraham and how He has provided for us a means of righteousness through our faith in the Messiah. 

He proved to Solomon He would provide as long as Solomon remained faithful and kept the Lord’s decrees (2 Chron 7 v 17) and if “His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, and He will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  (2 Chron 7 v 14). 

Let us kneel down, like the Israelites did (v 3), yet believing without the need of signs and praise God for “He is good and His love endures forever”.

Day 5
Hebrews 10 v 1 – 18 and John 16 v 19 – 33

My prayer for today is that you will be comforted knowing that God keeps His promises and remains faithful even when we seem to wonder of and try to make our own way.  Hold on to the promise that He has overcome this world and that sin and death do not have a hold on us.  We have a free will to serve God.  Let’s use that freedom to choose in such a way that we honour our Creator.  May your Friday be filled with joy, laugther and peace.  Amen

Day 6
1 Chronicles 29 v 1 – 17
Hebrews 10 note

Thanks be to the living God for the free gift of salvation, though not unconditional. I believe one cannot understand Grace if you do not understand the purpose of the Law. God didn’t desire sacrifices and burnt offerings, but it was required according to the law (v 5 and 6), a law that was much needed to point to the ultimate sacrifice, our Messiah.

Through His death, Christ’s law is written on our minds and our hearts (v 16), and although a higher spiritual law, blood is no longer needed as His body was sacrificed ONCE FOR ALL (v 10), should we accept this gift and turn away from sin. Let us not insult the Spirit of Grace (v 29) but draw near to God with a sincere heart (v 22) having full assurance of our hope in the faithful one, who is Jesus.

Although we might suffer in this life and experience persecution, continue to persevere, for the reward is eternal. Nothing else compares! Continue also to encourage one another and I challenge you today to put yourself out there (here) and request prayer for that one thing that is holding you back from living a Christ-centered life. I know from experience that pride can so easily blind us and actually lead you away from God. We have seen the power of prayer and know that we can overcome anything through God who gives us the strength.

At the same time, let’s pray for the body of Christ, who is experiencing persecution worldwide like never seen before. Our God is being mocked and our faith trampled on by those who are from this world. In spite of this, let us spur one another on toward love and good deeds (v24).

I Pray that God’s Spirit will be your teacher and guide you into all truth.

Who am I, but a sinner, saved by Grace. Yet, the Creator of this universe seeks fellowship with me. A relationship where I fully trust in Him to provide for all my needs. Thank you Lord

Day 7
1 John 3 v 1 – 24

My thoughts:

This is how we know what love is (v 16) – Christ laid down His life for us and we ought to do the same for our brothers in serving each other.

This is how we know we belong to the truth (v 19) – if our hearts do not condemn us because we keep His commands, do what pleases Him and what is right in His sight.

There is more to what simply meets the eye…. 

God has provided a means for us to come into His presence again after the fall.  Neither burnt offerings nor good works could save us from an eternity of separation from Him.  How many times have you heard this being preached?

Through His death on the cross, Jesus has provided a form of love, bestowed on us, that could only manifest and exist if someone sacrificed their life, like He did, in order for us to live and love without having to pay the ultimate price.  Is dying to self so much to ask?

I want to be a living testimony of God’s love.  With that being said, it comes with great responsibility where actions (actually do) speak louder than words.  Allow God to shine His light through you in this dark world where people are going astray and lose hope so easily. 

My prayer is that we will humble ourselves before the Almighty and make ourselves available to do His good work in these desperate times.  Praise be to God.  May He bless you and keep you safe.

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