The gospel of Luke gives a detailed account of Jesus’ birth, life and ministry, while focusing on Christ as the Son of Man. One can see through these writings that extensive research was done on the part of the writer and seeing that he had access to those who walked with Jesus, his account of the events surrounding Jesus’ life can be taken to heart.

For many, the concept of a divine Father and earthly, human mother, seems alien. The result is Jesus, the God-Man, our Lord and Creator, in the flesh through the wonderful, working power of the Holy Spirit. This is still a mystery to many who are not willing to believe for it is not something tangible to them.

Jesus is portrayed as fully human, yet fully God and for this reason He was able to withstand the temptations of the enemy. He taught with authority, yet humble in His dealings with people. He showed compassion and kindness and for this He was loved by many, although the religious leaders saw Him as a threat and plotted together to have Him killed.

The first account of Luke tells about John the Baptist, who would be the forerunner to Christ, preparing the way for Him, preaching repentance and baptizing those who believed in the coming Messiah. We are then taken on a journey with Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem to take part in a census. The story of Jesus’ life begins and we are told that He grew up in Nazareth, while His ministry was focused on Galilee and the surrounding areas.

As in the other gospels, we notice many parables that Jesus used to teach those who were willing to listen. Jesus was raised in the Jewish custom, therefore he was circumcised on the 8th day and dedicated to God in the temple. All the other events mentioned in the gospel of Matthew, Mark and John are mentioned in the gospel of Luke, although this gospel pays special attention to women.

We read how Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God on His way to Jerusalem and how everyone who repents and accepts Him as the Son of God, is welcome to His family. The requirement of humility is too much to ask from many, especially those who have been blinded by their religious hypocrisy.

Read through the gospel of Luke and be humbled. Jesus, the Son of God and Son of Man, suffered at the hands of man, tried and punished for our transgressions. He is the risen Lord, who has overcome sin so that we also might be triumphant over the temptations of this world.

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“But He answered and said to them, ‘My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.'”

Luke 8 v 21

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