Day 3
Psalm 25 v 1-11;  2 Chronicles 7 v 11-22;  Zephaniah 1 v 14 – (chapter) 2 vers 3

May the Lord for His name’s sake, pardon our iniquities – for we stand guilty before Him – and remember not the sins of our youth, for our iniquities are great. 

Therefore we should;

1.   Humble ourselves before Him and He will lead us and teach us His way.

2.  Seek rigteousness, seek His face and His will for our lives.

3.  Turn from our wicked ways.  Whether it be our sins or idols keeping us from hearing God, may we be delivered from it.

My prayer is that God will have mercy on us,  for even if we covet, lust or hate we have committed the deed.  I kneel before the thrown of God this morning, at His feet, please do the same.  Humble yourself before the Almighty and allow Him to have His way with any and every decision you have to make.  May the Spirit comfort you and lead you into all truth.

Day 4
Colossians 2 v 18 – (chapter) 3 v 14;  Romans 12 v 3-16

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