
Day 1
Isaiah 57 v 14-21; Matthew 23 v 1-12; Luke 18 v 9-4

Peace, healing and restoration come to those who humble themselves before the Lord and in turn he will exalt them.  Today, I beat on my chest and say “Dear God, be merciful to me, the sinner”!  I kneel at your feet, not worthy, yet justified through your blood.  May we not even point to the “scribes and the pharisees”, for the judgement is not yours and their sin simply has another name.  Please forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  May you be glorified forever and ever, AMEN

Day 2
Deutoronomy 8 v 1-20; 1 Peter 5 v 2-6

Deut 8 v 11-14

“Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today………… 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you out or the house of slavery.”

Guard your hearts with the breastplate of righteousness brothers, so that we do not become proud and boast about our so called (wordly) achievements, to gain peoples’ favour, and God will grant us His grace (1 Pet 5 v 5). 

Have a blessed Monday

Day 3
Psalm 25 v 1-11;  2 Chronicles 7 v 11-22;  Zephaniah 1 v 14 – (chapter) 2 vers 3

May the Lord for His name’s sake, pardon our iniquities – for we stand guilty before Him – and remember not the sins of our youth, for our iniquities are great. 

Therefore we should;

1.   Humble ourselves before Him and He will lead us and teach us His way.

2.  Seek rigteousness, seek His face and His will for our lives.

3.  Turn from our wicked ways.  Whether it be our sins or idols keeping us from hearing God, may we be delivered from it.

My prayer is that God will have mercy on us,  for even if we covet, lust or hate we have committed the deed.  I kneel before the thrown of God this morning, at His feet, please do the same.  Humble yourself before the Almighty and allow Him to have His way with any and every decision you have to make.  May the Spirit comfort you and lead you into all truth.

Day 4
Colossians 2 v 18 – (chapter) 3 v 14;  Romans 12 v 3-16

If we have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world (Col 2 v 20), we are also raised up with Him, putting aside the old self and putting on a new self through putting aside every evil practice, while seeking the [holy] things above (Col 3 v 1-10)

Instead of showing anger, show compassion.  Instead of Wrath, show love and leave the judgement to God.  Instead of Malice (wickedness), show kindness.  Instead of Slander and Abusive speech – show patience while bearing with one another and forgiving each other. 

Each one of us has a purpose, a role to fullfill as part of the body. No one is insignificant and less important than the next.  Exercise your gift of faith, while persevering.  Devote yourself to the Lord in everything you do.  Do not consider yourself to be any better than the next person.  Do not be wise in your own estimation (Rom 3 v 16), but put your hope and trust in the Lord. 

Day 5
Phillipians 2 v 1-11;  James 3 v 12 – (chapter) 4 v 10

What does it mean to be humble?  To do nothing from selfish desires, empty conceit (in vain) and to regard one another more important than ourselves, while looking out for the interests of others. Although Jesus was God, He appeared in the flesh as a bond servant, how much more should we become like Him, humbling ourselves in obedience and submitting ourselves to the Almighty, who jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us? 

My prayer is that you will draw near to God today and humble yourself before Him, knowing He will draw near to you, because He longs fellowship with us.

Day 6
2 Samuel 22 v 25-37;  Daniel 10 v 4-12

If we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will illuminate our darkest path and give us the courage to take on anything.  Therefore not through our own strength, shall we stand, lest we fall, but we stand on The Rock who is our strong fortress.  Humble yourselves before Him and your reward is yet to come.  Do not stand with the world for they have already received their reward.  May the Lord teach you and show you the way you should go today, tomorrow and until your life on earth comes to an end.  Blessings in Jesus.

Day 7
Zephaniah 3 v 11-20;  James 1 v 2-12

If we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will take away His judgements against us and in that day [the day of the Lord when He returns], He will be in our midst, save us, gather us together and restore us. 

Until that day, beloved brothers, rejoice in the Lord and persevere throughout your trials and tribulations during this relatively short life.  For those who endure and continue to keep His commandments, shall be saved and also receive the crown of life. 

My prayer is that the Lord will give you wisdom should you ask for it and strength, should you long for it, byt above all peace, should you seek Him all of your days.

Blessings in Jesus our Messiah.

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