Below you will find a compilation of the devotionals grouped together by month and year.

The first year of the ministry saw the start of a Whatsapp group joined by brothers from across the globe. We shared thoughts, scriptures, songs of praise and reading plans, supporting each other in prayer.

Twenty-Twenty-Three [2023]
Ministry's 5th year

September 2023
Only the foolish will believe

August 2023
Be strong and courageous

Twenty-Twenty-Two [2022]
Ministry's 4th year

April 2022
A new beginning

Twenty-Twenty-One [2021]
Ministry's 3rd year

October 2021
God loved us first

September 2021
Look unto Jesus

June 2021
The nearness of God

May 2021
The greatness of God

April 2021
Free from condemnation

March 2021
The heart of worship

February 2021
Fallible man and the infallible God

January 2021
Bound for the sake of the gospel

Twenty-Twenty [2020]
Ministry's 2nd year

December 2020
Circumcision of the heart

November 2020
Judge not?

October 2020
Times and epochs

September 2020
Sinful behaviour condemned

August 2020
Overwhelmed and distressed

July 2020
The blood of the covenant

June 2020
Return to me…

May 2020
Come now let us reason together

April 2020
God of forgiveness

Twenty-Nineteen (2019)
WhatsApp group (Ministry's 1st year)

December 2019
Rejoice in the Lord

November 2019
Trust in the Lord

October 2019
The Lord is our deliverer

August 2019
Prepare the way for the Lord

June 2019
Building the Lord’s house

May 2019
The Lord’s Word is sweet as honey

March & April 2019
The resurrected Christ

January & February 2019
Be alert and of sober minds

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