
Thought for today
Fallible man and the infallible God

“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” (Rom 3 v 23)

How great is our sin… our transgressions… our iniquity? How can we even begin to comprehend the glory and majesty of our God?

We all fall short and miss the mark every day and cannot rely on our own intellect and strength to get us through a mere 24 hours. It is only through the grace of God that we are able to stand.

From a young age the fallen nature of man is revealed when a 2 year old shakes her head very confidently after her dad asks her if she was the one who broke the plate and she denies her involvement without blinking an eye.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. This is more than enough proof that man is fallen and not inherently good as some may belief. After the fall of man in the garden, their fellowship with God was broken and their “nakedness” revealed.

The whole dynamic between man and God changed in an instant. From a point where the Lord walked with them to a point where they were removed from the garden. God does not tolerate sin and neither should we.

Even though we are bound to this earthly body, we are called to walk in the Spirit in order not to give into the lusts of the flesh, which just shows us we are not strong enough to rely on our own abilities. Only God is infallible and able to rescue us from our own destruction.

His plan of salvation that was put into motion would take thousands of years to be fulfilled in the form of Jesus’ death and resurrection and He is the only way to come into the Father’s presence again.

We thank the Lord for His work on the cross. He has overcome sin and death and therefore we are able to walk in faith, knowing that through sacrificing our desires of the flesh, we may also overcome.

I thank the Lord for His saving grace and lovingkindness!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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