
Zechariah 1 v 1 - 6
"Return to Me..."

It has always been an endless struggle between God and His people, Israel, and we are no different. God calls us to repentance every day, yet we choose to put those convictions aside, for tomorrow is another day, right?

When calamity strikes, will we too say, like the people of those days, “as the Lord of hosts purposed to do to us in accordance with our ways and our deeds, so He has dealt with us” (verse 6), or will we repent and return to the Lord?

Just as God has made a promise to His people, as stated in Jeremiah 31 v 31 – 34, “He will forgive their iniquity [transgressions] and their sin, He will remember no more“. This same promise is given to us, should we repent and return from our evil ways and deeds.

There is a constant theme throughout the entire Bible. God made us in His image, perfect! We sinned through disobedience, because we abused our free will and were separated from God. The only way to reconcile with Him, was through the death of His Son.

He therefore put a plan into motion to prepare the way for Jesus. What follows is a story of salvation for all who believed in His coming and for those who now believe in His death and resurrection.

What a beautiful prospect, for those who believe unto Him for their deliverance from certain death. Today is the day, when you hear His voice. Do not ignore the call of the Lord. Accept His free gift of grace through what He did on Calvary.

If you have made a decision for Christ before and find yourself distant from Him. Return to Him today, so that He may return to you!

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 6 v 1, 7 - 9
Take refuge in the Lord

Who do you seek guidance and counselling from when you require advice? do you visit a friend, family member or your pastor? Not that these individuals are not capable of giving you some sort of direction, but when last did you consult the Lord?

We often make the mistake of approaching the Lord (only) when in distress, or in the midst of a raging (spiritual) storm, but neglect to consult Him for the choices we are faced with every day. You might ask, “how do I know He will answer me?“.

Scripture says, if you take refuge in Him, put your hope and trust in Him, and allow Him to instruct you, He will guide you into making the right choices. You might ask, “how is this possible?“.

Have you ever heard that still, small voice? That whisper among the stormy winds? Some call it your “gut feel”. The Lord gave us a special gift when He ascended to the Father. The person of the Holy Spirit, our Counselor.

We should pay attention when asking the Lord for guidance, He will give you everything you ask for in His Name (as long as it is according to the Scriptures, off course). Just look at all the individuals in the Bible who have counted on God for their deliverance and guidance when required, although it didn’t stop there. They relied on Holy Spirit to lead their every step, while the Lord even appeared to some of them, in whichever form He saw fitting.

Are you struggling to approach the Lord and then simply go ahead and make your own choices? He is faithful, and will grant you the wisdom you seek. talk to Him, like you would talk to a loving, kind and caring father. Consult Him and allow Him to counsel you. You will be pleasantly surprised.

My prayer today is that the Lord will instruct you day and night. Allow the Lord to lead the way and light your path. Follow Him, He is our Shepard. Bless Him and be glad. Rejoice in His Glory and Majesty. Amen


Proverbs 18 v 20 - 21
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue"

There is this constant thread running through the book of Proverbs, concerning righteousness and evil, the upright and the wicked, and we are warned against wicked and self-righteous men.

The above scripture is no different. Let’s have a closer look:

Verse 20
With the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach will be satisfied
It is written that they will know you by your fruit, while the saying goes, the heart that is full is the mouth of the ear. Words are powerful and more often than not, you utter what you think and how you feel. Battles have been won through the use of words. Things that are said, can either comfort or manipulate others. How do you use the power of words? Do you build those up around you, then you will be satisfied. If used to lie and deceive, you create a hunger you cannot still. Think about it…

He will be satisfied with the product of his lips
Whether used to compliment and praise, or belittle others and break them down, depending on the condition of your heart, your lips will either cause you to see the results of what you say to God and others and be content with it, satisfied with the outcome, regardless of the harm you cause, or once you see the result, attempt to rectify it.

Vers 21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue
Now we get to the crux of the matter. The tongue. While only a muscle used when eating, it’s a powerful tool in the “war of words“. Does your tongue give praise to God and also bless others, or does your tongue curse and “concoct” words of hate? Do you speak “life” or “death“? Think of God, how he spoke the universe into existence and gave everything life. Now compare that with How satan blasphemes the Lord and speaks death, through those that persecute followers of Jesus…

And those who love it will eat its fruit
And those who love the tongue, love using it, whether it be to build up and compliment others, or not, they will eat the fruit, they will carry the consequences of their thoughts and feelings, put into words. Should you use your tongue to worship the Lord or lie and deceive others, the end result will be according. Therefore we should count our words, and guard our hearts, for if we should speak things that are not of God, we must be willing to take responsibility for it.

Therefore, be watchful, sober in Spirit and alert, for drunkards have no control over their tongue, literally! The spirit of the Lord is a Spirit of self-control. May the Spirit teach you how to worship the Lord and also how to speak to people in a respectful manner. Use your tongue wisely and make every word count.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Ecclesiastes 3 v 1 - 9
"An appointed time for everything"

One thing we can be sure of is this: Although the bible does not give detail about everything under the sun, it covers everything we need to know about our futile life during our relatively short stay here on earth.

In this passage we see that God has appointed a season… a period… a cycle… for everything we may encounter in this life. While reading these verses, think about where you find yourself today? Are you tearing down or building up, whatever it may be?

Are you weeping or laughing, mourning or dancing? Are you embracing or pushing away? Are you searching or have you given up hope? Are you silent when you should be speaking? Do you love or is their hate and unforgiveness? Are you at war with others and God and seeking peace?

Wherever you might find yourself, either literally or spiritually, know this; God’s timing is perfect and His seasons are for our spiritual growth, even though the body might suffer. Wait on God and His appointed time for decisions you need to make, while you do what your hand finds to do.

Acknowledge Him and be content with the outcome, regardless of how long it takes. He knows best because He created you, and formed you in your mother’s womb as a unique being with individual characteristics. “This life is a school and the workplace our classroom.” (A.S.) Just when you thought you were done with school…

We will learn the lessons until we graduate so that we continue to be formed and eventually transformed into the being God intended for us to become. A person with dignity, someone who loves Him and is loved by Him, a person that is whole and fulfilled in their walk with the Lord.

May your season be filled with joy, love, laughter and peace, regardless of your circumstances. Embrace each day, love which is good and hate that which is evil. Plant a seed of hope and you will reap the fruits. Be quiet and listen, but give an answer when required. Continue to search for truth and do not conform to this world, for there are no answers in the temporary. Tear down the walls of unforgiveness and ask God to build up His “temple”.

Die to self, the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the boastful pride of life and ask God to heal your soul.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Deuteronomy 11 v 1, 9, 11 - 16
Love the Lord your God

We recently stumbled upon a quote saying “The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.” This is evident simply in the passages from the last two weeks or so.

The first commandment God wrote on the tablets of stone stated we should love the Lord our God, while the law of Christ will be written on the hearts of those who choose to accept His grace and follow Him.

We are commanded to; 1) Keep His charge – *Literally, keep his keeping, i.e., all that is to be kept in obedience to Him 2) His statutes 3) His ordinances 4) His commandments
* https://biblehub.com/commentaries/deuteronomy/11-1.htm

God made a promise to His people that should they obey Him, they would enter the promised land, “a land flowing with milk and honey” if they obey His commandments. Just as those who obeyed, entered the promised land, we too, will enter God’s heavenly kingdom, which is not of this world, should we remain faithful and continue to love Him above all things.

There is a warning. Do not let your hearts be deceived so that you turn to other gods. Just look at the state of the world around us today. This reminds me of 2 Tim 3 v 2 “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy…” [KJV]

People have turned away from God and His ordinances, for the sake of keeping with the times, because science has apparently enlightened the world and (finally) proved there is no God, or so they think, perhaps even choosing to believe this!

Blessed are those who believe and keep the statutes of the God of the Bible, For He is a living God and the proof for His existence is overwhelming should anyone decide to do some research… My prayer for you is that your love for the Lord will abound every day. Fix your eyes on the heavens, for God is who He says He is. Amen

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Joshua 1 v 1 - 9
God's charge to Joshua

God has prepared His people and they are now on the brink of entering the promised land after wandering for 40 years, and again it comes to show “all who wander are not lost“.

Joshua was chosen to follow in Moses’ footsteps and raised up by the Lord to fulfill his purpose of leading the Israelites into Canaan. Are you a Moses? A Joshua, perhaps? Where is your Canaan?

There is an instruction and a promise:

  1. God instructs Joshua to be “strong and courageous
  2. to keep the law and not turn from it, and
  3. meditate on the word day and night

Should he do this faithfully, God promises:

  1. that He will be with Joshua
  2. Joshua will be successful and prosperous in his way

I have learnt that when the bible mentions something once, it’s important, when it mentions something twice, we should start paying attention, but when something is repeated three times, we should really take note. A fourth time, should make us sit up straight with (spiritual) eyes and ears wide open!

God tells Joshua three times to be “”strong and [very] courageous” (v 6, 7 and 9) and further down in vers 18 even his officers tell him the same. Is God encouraging him to rely on his own strength? Absolutely not, but we have to take the first step and be willing to serve.

If you are a Moses, who are you training to follow in your footsteps? If you are a Joshua, who do you look up to, admire and would want to follow in their footsteps? Is your Canaan the new job, God has promised and prepared YOU for, for so long?!

God’s instruction and promise is the same today, therefore:

  1. be strong and [very] courageous, especially in the times we live in
  2. obey God’s will for your life, and
  3. search the scriptures, pray and listen to His still, small voice

Should you continue to do this faithfully, God promises:

  1. He will be with you, not fail you nor forsake you” (vers 5)
  2. you will be successful and prosperous (flourishing and thriving) in your walk with the Lord.

My prayer for you today is this. May you seek the Lord wholeheartedly to reach your full potential for the purpose God has called you. Stand up and be prepared to follow God’s instructions, knowing that you will not be disappointed. Amen

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Jeremiah 40 v 9
Consequences of serving the king of Babylon and going (back) to Egypt

…stay in the land and serve the king of Babylon, that it may go well with you.

The events take place after Jerusalem is invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (Jeremiah 39 v 1 – 44 v 30).

In this illustration, the king of Babylon can be seen as the idols of our day, while Egypt is a type of the world. The world has been invaded by pop artists, actors and other celebrities and we are encouraged to “worship” these individuals and even pursue their way of life.

They paint a picture of how successful they are and that their lifestyle should be admired and even copied. Just look around you and you’ll see how the generation of our time is so brainwashed while they mimic these artists and even when warned, the majority do not give heed.

Jeremiah chose to remain in Judah and warned the people not to go to Egypt, but they simply rejected his warning as well as God’s instruction, and followed their own way and mind. Just as God warned His people through the prophets, they continued to serve other gods (Jer 44 v 3).

The same happens today, when we would rather spend time watching sports, movies and reading up about the “icons” of our time, instead of devoting ourselves to the Lord, being “soaked” in His Word, built up for every good work. Does this mean we shouldn’t watch or listen to anything other than teachings and sermons? Off course not! As long as your life does not revolve around all the “pleasures” this world has to offer.

There is a warning though. We need to be careful, because we can so easily decide to return to Egypt, to fulfill the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh, and before we know it we follow after other “gods”.

Just as Gedaliah was warned, ignored the warning and paid with his life and just as the people who came looking for him was deceived and murdered by Ishmael, we should give attention to the warning of our days and be careful not to be deceived into thinking this world is our home (Jer 41 v 6, 7)

Remember we are only sojourners, passing through. This world is not our home. We look forward to God’s kingdom, which is not of this world. We are warned about Egypt, the consequences and the imminent judgment (Jer 42 – 44).

Do not make the same mistake as the people who refused to listen to Jeremiah. This world is passing. There is only calamity for those wanting to remain in it. We have seen just how quickly the world can come to a complete standstill over night and people are left stranded.

In closing I would like to urge you to focus on the Lord and be content with staying in “Judah”, where he provides in our needs, even if we might not have everything we want. The Lord knows best and He will grant you the grace to see you through your trials and tribulations.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Lamentations 5 v 1 - 8; 19 - 21
Jeremiah's prayer for mercy

Jeremiah is in distress over Israel’s situation, then turns to the Lord and pleads his case.

In reading these verses, it seems we can relate to Israel, with our current situation being very similar – not only in our country but across the globe.

The reason for this is simple and obvious. We have turned away from God and His ordinances, and have made an image of god for ourselves. Whether it is a literal image, or an image in our mind, the result is the same.

Do not be dismayed, because the Lord, our God remains in control. Even though satan is the ruler of this world (2 Cor 4 v 4), God will take care of His children. Those who trust in Him for provision, will have enough.

My prayer for you today is this:
No matter how dire your situation might seem and you feel lost and forgotten. God knows your circumstances and will look after you and provide in your needs. Bring your case before the Lord. Seek Him and remember He makes everything work for good, for those who love Him (Rom 8 v 28).

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 46 v 10
Be still and know...

Pause for a moment. Stop with whatever you are doing, if possible. “Cease striving” and think of who God is in your life. What role does He fulfill? Is He a mere “go to” in times of need and trouble?

If the (honest) answer is yes, then you need to revisit your relationship with Him. In some traditions, cultures and environments we have been raised, knowing of God, and given a picture of a being that is not within our reach and therefore we need someone to intercede for us and approach Him on our behalf.

Praise God that we have the ability to fellowship with Him, through the death and resurrection of Jesus and His Spirit that intercedes for us. Is God your refuge, strength and stronghold through sickness and in health, good days and bad, for richer, for poorer, till death unites you with your Creator?

If your answer is no, then I plead with you today. Seek the Lord, while He can still be found. Call on His Name. Allow His Spirit to petition on your behalf. Be still and know He is God, Who is exalted above all the earth, all kings and all leaders. Allow Him to search your heart and show you the need for a Saviour.

Be still and know, God is who He says He is and His love endures forever. Amen

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


1 Kings 13 v 11 - 28
The consequence of disobedience

Instructed by the Lord, not to eat or drink anything in that place, the man of God, disobeyed the Lord and went with the old prophet, who, claiming to have received word from an angel, concerning the man of God, invited him to his house.

Have you disobeyed a clear instruction from the Lord recently and have seen the outcome and regretted not listening to Him or deciding to rather follow your own mind? Has someone else perhaps told you they received a word from the Lord and as a result you responded to their “prophesy” concerning the Lord’s instruction to you?

The man of God paid with his life for not following God’s instruction “to the T“, while opting to listen to a prophet, proclaiming to have received word from an angel, instead of paying attention to the Lord’s direct command.

Be sure to listen to the Lord’s still, small voice and tune your mind to be receptive to His Spirit. My prayer is that The Lord will open your spiritual eyes and ears so that you may follow His instructions faithfully. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God” (1 John 4 v 1) [NKJV]

Wishing to you a blessed day in the presence of our Lord and Saviour.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 1 v 1 - 3
The blessings and reward for obedience

Who do you associate with? Do you spend time with those who mock the Lord and then simply turn a deaf ear? Do you accompany those who devise “evil” and remain silent? Jesus didn’t. What does the Lord then, expect from His children?

It is written that God seeks obedience. He is not pleased with offerings, nor does He delight in lip service, but if we refrain from evil (thoughts and desires), delight in His law and meditate on His Word day and night, we will be blessed [made holy].

Back to the initial question. Does this mean we should avoid people? Not at all. Jesus didn’t. We are exposed to people and the elements of this fallen world on a daily basis and so was He. You cannot change people, but you can stand up for your belief in God, should they be outspoken about Him. Remember, anything you say or do in the Name of the Lord and His Word, should be done in love and with compassion, just like Jesus did.

The reward for obedience is this. You will be like a tree, firmly planted, bearing fruits in season, of which the leaves do not wither (become dry). You will prosper (flourish and thrive) in everything you do.

Your focus, therefore, as a follower of Jesus, should revolve around obedience to Him, instead of pleasing people. You should still love your neighbour as yourself, regardless of their worldview, as God instructs us to do.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Proverbs 9 v 10; 3 v 13
Fear of the Lord 

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.

It all begins with the fear (reverence) of the Lord. Does this mean we should be scared of God? The bible does mention that “we do not want to fall into the hands of the living God.” [paraphrase], but this refers to those who challenge God and reject His sovereignty.

The fear of the Lord refers to absolute awe and respect for God, and this is the beginning of wisdom, for those who revere Him. The scriptures have an amazing way with words and the moment we begin to “revere and worshipfully fear His Name” (Mal 4 v 2) [LEB], become devoted to Him, honour and adore Him, and love Him deeply with our whole being, we start gaining knowledge of who God really is, and the result of this is understanding.

Understanding of our purpose and His plan for our lives become clear. We begin to see that it does matter how we conduct our lives here on earth and that there is an eternity that awaits us. We begin to see that God makes everything work together for good for those who love Him and His Word.

How blessed is he (or she), who finds the Lord, for He encompasses all knowledge and understanding. May the Lord remove the veil that might still cover your eyes today. My prayer is that you will turn to Him for guidance, seek Him with your whole heart and He will grant you wisdom and knowledge that surpasses all worldly understanding.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


2 Chronicles 1 v 7 - 12
Wisdom and knowledge

Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people…

God granted Solomon a request and he responded by asking for wisdom and knowledge and the rest is history, as we know it. God saw the intentions of his heart and saw it fit to also bless him with riches, wealth and honour.

Is this a recipe for success and fame? By no means. No where does the Lord promise if we follow Solomon’s example would we be flooded with wealth. If this was the case, everyone would ask for wisdom and knowledge. It is for God to decide should it be beneficial for you or not and in any case, if this is simply a means to an end, God will not allow it.

He asked for wisdom and knowledge and as a result came to an understanding of the Lord and his (Solomon’s) purpose. It is written that “the natural man does not understand the things of God for they are spiritually discerned” [paraphrase]. We too, should seek wisdom and knowledge and as we read yesterday, that is to find the Lord. Not just meeting Him, but knowing Him intimately.

Understanding our purpose, besides that we were made to know Him, make Him known and enjoy His presence in our lives. Living a life dedicated to the One who made you and saved you, should be our ultimate goal. Ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge today so that you may discern what is right in His sight.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Beloved, after the last couple of weeks, it is evident that the devotionals have pointed to obedience in one way or another. Actually, the thread throughout the entire bible points to the initial disobedience of mankind, causing us to fall away from God’s purpose for us, the solution to salvage us from certain death and reconcile ourselves with Him, and the obedience expected from His children.

Please join me for “10 Days on obedience” starting tomorrow. Let us read together as a body and come to the knowledge of how the Lord defines obedience. My prayer is that the Lord will grant us the strength to walk in obedience, knowing that this is the only way we can know God’s purpose for our lives.

Start reading “10 days on obedience” or browse our devotionals by topic


Romans 8 v 1 - 14
The law of the Spirit of life

On the back of our reading plan about obedience, I would like to reiterate a few things.

  1. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. This simply means that God has set us free from the bondage of sin and we can now choose not to sin, for before our minds were set on the flesh, hostile towards God and not even able to subject itself to the law of God.
  2. All who are led by the Spirit are sons of God.
    If your mind has been been renewed and therefore set on Christ, the same power that rose Jesus from the dead, will give life to your spirit as you die to the lusts of the flesh daily and start walking according to the Spirit.
  3. The law of sin and of death cannot save us
    The law and animal sacrifices could not atone for sins once and for all, and although blood had to be shed every time in order for sins to be forgiven, it pointed to the sacrifice Jesus would become, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, once for all, so that we may stand blameless before God.

May the Spirit of God lead you into ALL truth, so that the veil may be removed and you can see Jesus for who He really is. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will intercede for you, if you are not able to. Allow the Spirit to plead your case before God. He knows your heart and the intentions thereof.

Blessings in Jesus

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Luke 12 v 22 - 34
Ye of little faith

Jesus taught not to worry about our lives and what we would eat and wear. Is this still relevant, especially during these uncertain times? After all it is normal to be concerned with this economic crisis looming, is it not?

If we consider the birds, the grass and the flowers that Jesus refers to, surely they (the birds) and the rest of His creation do not have the worries we do, so how can He compare us to these? I think the point He is trying to make is that the birds, for example, do not produce, neither do they store food and yet He provides.

The same applies to the grass and the flowers who do not make clothes and yet they have their own covering, while they wither and die anyway. If we are worth much more than the rest of His creation because we have been made in His image, why then do we worry about the very things He knows we need to survive?

Could it be that we rely on our strength and intellect too much? Do we try and make plans, knowing that most things that happen in this life, are out of our control, anyway? So if we cannot extend our lives through worrying and most things are out of our control, why do we focus so much on making our own plans, instead of relying on God to provide??

It is written “we cannot live from bread alone” and Jesus is very clear that we should “seek first the kingdom” (Matt 6 v 33) [ESV], and the rest will be added. I know that we often worry about how we will make ends meet and the times we live in do not make it any easier. Remember this. God knows your circumstances and will provide in your needs.

Consult Him rather than trying to make your own plans. Bring your case before him. Plead with Him and place your trust and hope in Him. Everything is this life that we have toiled so hard for will pass, but the greatest treasure, His gift of eternal life, will last forever, even long after your time here on earth has come to an end. Something we cannot comprehend, as we only see in part.

May the Lord grant you the grace to work through your challenges, for they are unlikely to go away. Allow Him to direct your path. Do what your hand finds to do, while relying on Him for the rest and above all seek His perfect will for your life. Even though things might not turn out the way you expected. You will not be disappointed!

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Ezekiel 18 v 4 - 9; 20 - 25; 30 - 32
Repent and live

How is this message and God’s dealings with Israel applicable on us today? Surely we have been saved by grace, cleansed of all our sins, once for all through Christ’s death on the cross?

This is true, if there is a renewal of our mind and heart, our soul longs for the Lord and as a result we “practice justice and righteousness.”, i.e. living according to Christ’s principles. Not to win God’s favour – purely because He saved us from our sinful nature.

Christ’s death gave us life and we wouldn’t understand that we are dead in our transgressions, until we come to faith in Him and as a result have our spirit revived and soul renewed. What about those who seem to practice justice and righteousness, yet do not stand in a relationship with the Lord Jesus? We should make Him known to them. Pray the Lord will guide you in this regard, so that you sow a seed in season.

We cannot continue to live in sin and blame someone else, or our circumstances. We need to take ownership of our shortcomings, mistakes and sins. God has no pleasure in the “death of the wicked” and delights in everyone turning to Him and would leave the “99 for the ONE” who calls on Him and is willing to turn from their “wicked ways“.

The Lord also cannot be blamed for our wrongful dealings. He is God and sets the moral standard according to which we should live, but if anyone who has known the Lord, turns away from Him and commits abominable acts, he runs the risk of not being able to return to the ways of the Lord (Heb 6). I believe in the grace of God, yet we should not test Him, thinking we can get away with sin.

Please take the time to evaluate your life today. Do you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, yet your mind is set on the pleasures of this world? Are your dealings with people of a questionable nature and feel convicted? Turn to the Lord. Turn away from that which is keeping you in bondage and continually causes you to fall.

If you are seeking or worshiping an “unknown God“, I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will regenerate you and fill the void only God can fill for He is the only, one true God, who gives life, everlasting.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


2 Chronicles 15 v 1 - 7
The Lord is with you...

People tend to turn to the Lord in times of distress, but should it take a crisis to force us on our knees?

When all the plans you have made, fall through and everyone you have consulted, disappoints you or chastises you like Job’s friends, the only One remaining is the Lord. Why not turn to Him in the first place?

Let’s look at what the prophet Azariah said:
The Lord is with you, when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.” (vers 2)

Your first response might be, that it is said multiple times “He will never leave us, nor forsake us” [paraphrase] and this is true. His love for us might be unconditional in the sense that we don’t have to qualify in order to receive His grace – it has always been a free gift for all to receive – but we cannot go about our own lives and place God in the background, doing as we please, yet expecting Him to bless us.

Then we are no better than Israel was, when they longed after and served other gods. Relationships take effort. It is hard work and a successful relationship is not shared 50/50, but 100/100. Think about it. Jesus gave up His life so we may live and now we are only willing to give 50% of ourselves when WE CHOOSE to accept His grace.

In conclusion;

  1. The Lord is with you when you are with Him
    God does not need us, but we are in need of Him and His grace. He is everywhere and in everyone (through His Spirit) who repents and turn to Him for salvation.
  2. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him
    Today is the day of salvation. “Hear what God says: “When the time came for me to show you favor, I heard you; when the day arrived for me to save you, I helped you.” Listen! This is the hour to receive God’s favor; today is the day to be saved!” (2 Cor 6 v 2) [Good News Translation]
  3. If you forsake Him, He will forsake you
    How do we forsake God then? It’s simple. When we choose the world over Him. When people become more important. When we would rather decide to do things our way.

May the Lord become your everything, living each moment, with every breath and every heart beat as if it is your last.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 107 v 1
God's loving kindness is everlasting

Can we even begin to comprehend the goodness, kindness and magnitude of the Lord and how do we give thanks to the One who saved us and provides in our needs?

God does not need our praises and thank yous, yet He longs for fellowship with His children, the same way a parent does. Waiting for the child to come to them, sit on their lap and spend quality time with them. Not rushed to get back to their life and the many distractions this world has on offer, packaged and displayed in such a way that is irresistible to the flesh.

So how do we give thanks then for His goodness and loving kindness? Is a simple thank you enough? Perhaps a quick prayer to praise His wonderful Name or a worship song would do? I’m afraid that won’t cut it, if your heart is not in it.

The only way (in my opinion) we can say thank you is by living a life dedicated to the Lord, willing to sacrifice the wants and being content with what you have, knowing that He will give you your daily bread for the body as well as the spirit.

A life dedicated to the Lord, also means a life lived in obedience. This is pleasing to the Lord. Thank yous and “praise and worship” is not a single thing, uttered when we attend church or bible study. It entails a lifestyle of thanksgiving, continually praising Him, as a living testimony in your work and interaction with others.

Bless the Lord today. Thank Him for the “riches” you have received. Then, continue to bless Him and thank Him by living a life according to His instruction. You will prosper in your relationship with Him and others. The rest will be looked after. Just wait and see.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


1 Samuel 17 v 32 - 33; 43 - 50
The battle is the Lord's

Which Giants are you facing?

Whether you are a young christian or mature follower of Jesus, we all have a giant or two taunting us and we have to confront them head on, just like David did.

He had the faith of a Giant, courageous, with a strong mind, standing up to the biggest challenge of his life thus far. Not afraid, knowing that God would deliver the enemy into his hands.

Do we rely on the Lord, like David did or does the very thought of conflict cause your “heart to fail”?

The battle is the Lord’s, but we have to face our fears and challenges, knowing He will see us through. He will give you the strength and heart like that of David, who rushed up to the battle line to face the enemy.

We serve a living, powerful and personal God, who will never leave you, nor forsake you. Put your trust and your hope in Him and He will give you the victory over your giants.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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