
Exodus 24 v 1 - 8
The blood of the covenant

Moses had the privilege to “come near to the Lord“, while the others worshiped “at a distance“. Almost as if they could only enter the “Holy place“, but he was allowed to enter the “Holy of Holies“, where God communicated with Him, regarding the covenant He had made with them.

The blood he sprinkled on the altar is a picture of the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross, while the blood he sprinkled on the people, is also a type of Christ’s blood cleansing us from our sin, for blood had to be shed, in order for any sins to be forgiven.

The OT is full of typology, all pointing to the ultimate sacrifice Jesus would become. Through His death, we become co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8 v 17) and children of God. No longer needing to bring animal sacrifices, nor burnt offerings, seeing that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice – blameless and without sin.

God’s forgiveness came at a high price and covered a debt that no one could pay, except the Messiah – God giving part of Himself, in the form of His Son. Jesus experienced persecution and affliction that we cannot (begin to) fathom. Are we willing to suffer for Christ?

Have a blessed day in the presence of the One who saved us from certain death, when He entered the Holy of Holies, as our High Priest and shed His blood once for all, so that we too, may stand blameless before God, just as He did.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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