
Exodus 24 v 1 - 8
The blood of the covenant

Moses had the privilege to “come near to the Lord“, while the others worshiped “at a distance“. Almost as if they could only enter the “Holy place“, but he was allowed to enter the “Holy of Holies“, where God communicated with Him, regarding the covenant He had made with them.

The blood he sprinkled on the altar is a picture of the blood of Jesus, shed on the cross, while the blood he sprinkled on the people, is also a type of Christ’s blood cleansing us from our sin, for blood had to be shed, in order for any sins to be forgiven.

The OT is full of typology, all pointing to the ultimate sacrifice Jesus would become. Through His death, we become co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8 v 17) and children of God. No longer needing to bring animal sacrifices, nor burnt offerings, seeing that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice – blameless and without sin.

God’s forgiveness came at a high price and covered a debt that no one could pay, except the Messiah – God giving part of Himself, in the form of His Son. Jesus experienced persecution and affliction that we cannot (begin to) fathom. Are we willing to suffer for Christ?

Have a blessed day in the presence of the One who saved us from certain death, when He entered the Holy of Holies, as our High Priest and shed His blood once for all, so that we too, may stand blameless before God, just as He did.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 15 v 1 - 5
Righteousness according to God

How do we live a blameless life, if it is even possible?

Can we 1) walk with integrity 2) exercise righteousness 3) speak truth in our heart 4) refrain from slandering with our tongue 5) love our neighbour as ourselves?

The above already seems like a tall order, but wait, there is more;

Do you 6) easily take offense and get upset with a person if they have said or done something to someone else 7) despise those that have seemingly rejected the gospel 8) honor those who fear the Lord 9) Keep your word, even at your own “demise” 10) deal honestly and fairly in business?

Living a righteous and morally upright life according to God’s standards, while dealing honestly with others is only possible if we have accepted Christ as the only mediator between us and God, loving the Lord wholeheartedly, thus seeking Him with our whole being and longing after fellowship with Him.

Often points 6 & 7 manifest as a result of pride, causing us to become self-righteous and entitled.

My prayer for you today is this. May the Spirit cause us to humble ourselves before the Lord today, if there is any anger or contempt in our hearts. Seek the Lord today, while He can still be found.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Proverbs 19 v 1; Psalms 25 v 21
Walking with integrity

Let’s stand still and spend some time over the next 10 days discussing the 10 standards (principles) from God, presented to us during yesterday’s devotional.

Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity, than he who is perverse in speech and is a fool” (Prov 19 v 1)
Does your life reflect the foolishness and perverseness of this world or the “foolishness of the gospel as the saving power of God” (1 Cor 1 v 18), according to world? Let me explain. Does your mind absorb and reflect everything this world dictates or do you live according to God’s principles, regardless of your financial status?

The passage doesn’t mention the financial state of those who are”perverse in speech and is a fool“, yet it implies that being poor and walking with integrity is better, than being a fool who is perverse in what he says, whether rich or poor.

Let integrity and uprightness preserve me” (Ps 25 v 21)
Uprightness causes us to follow God’s instructions and as a result meet His requirements for being called His children, while integrity reflects our inward character and outward behaviour. We cannot claim to be a child of God, yet our actions prove the contrary.

Walk with integrity each day, purely because it’s the right thing to do. Not to gain anything from the Lord, other than His approval.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Romans 3 v 10; 2 Corinthians 5 v 21; 2 Timothy 2 v 14 - 24
Exercise righteousness

How can we exercise righteousness, doing what is right, just and good, if there are “none righteous, not even one“?

The only way we can be considered righteous in the eyes of God, is through our faith in the risen Jesus and not our own efforts. We are declared free of the penalty of sin, because He exchanged our sin for His righteousness (2 Cor 5 v 21).

Just as it was reckoned unto Abraham as righteousness for believing the Lord’s promise (Gen 15 v 6), we too become the righteousness of God through the death of Christ, when we believe in Him as our Saviour and accept His gift of grace.

So how do we exercise righteousness? By putting on the breastplate of righteousness (Eph 6 v 14). How do we make it practical, you may ask? Here are a few ways we can practice righteousness according to Paul:

  1. Accurately handle (according to) the word of truth
  2. Preaching the word in a truthful manner
  3. Avoid worldly and empty chatter
  4. Abstain from wickedness
  5. Flee from “youthful lusts”
  6. Be kind and patient, avoiding quarrels

Does this mean we must do good deeds in order to become righteous? We can try, but that is not how God works. The above will be a natural outcome, should we “pursue righteousness, [through our] faith, [with] love and [in] peace with others who call on the Lord from a pure heart” (vers 22) for their salvation.

Put on your breastplate of righteousness today, pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace and you will meet the righteous ONE who exchanged His life and righteousness for our sin so that we may become the righteousness of God.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Proverbs 12 v 17
Speak truth in your hearts

He who speaks truth, tells what is right.
Everything we do and say, every thought, originates from the heart, which is deceitful and desperately wicked, to begin with and for this reason we rather seek darkness than light, because we are born in sin.

How do we then “speak truth in our hearts”?
The only way, in my opinion, we can do this is when “wickedness becomes an abomination to your lips” (Prov 8 v 7)
Lying no longer becomes an option. Not even telling “a white lie” should cross your mind, for we should have the mind of Christ, according to the Word and He was blameless and knew no sin. This is why we should die to the flesh each day or it will drag us down and cause us to sin. I digress…

Adam and Eve blatantly lied to God and look where that got them. Having free will to do what was right in the Lord’s sight, she said the devil made her do it and he (Adam) said she made him do it. Lying and lack of accountability go hand in hand.

There is more to speaking the truth in your heart than simply telling the truth at all times…
It should become a way of life, living according to the truth of God. His Spirit aligning yours, enabling you to walk in truth according to His principles.

Remember how Pilate asked Jesus, “what is truth?”, after Jesus claimed to be a “witness to the truth”? He then washed his hands in front of the people and even though he stated he could find nothing wrong, handed Jesus over to them, to decide His lot.

Was Pilate truthful in the manner He dealt with Jesus’ hearing? He clearly couldn’t find any truth in their accusations. In retrospect, it makes no difference really, because Jesus had to die for our redemption as it was prophesied.

Having said that, we should ask ourselves if we are a Pilate, who didn’t stand up for The Ultimate and Absolute Truth when he needed to, which clearly exposed his character or will our words “come from an upright heart”, made new through the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. We cannot live a lie and expect Him to grant us undeserved favour. If you are struggling to always speak the truth and live according to the truth, I pray that the Lord will give you the grace to overcome.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 101 v 5
Refrain from slander

Slander: A falsely spoken statement, damaging a person’s reputation, also known as “defamation of character”

Whoever secretly slanders his neighbour, him I will destroy” (vers 5)

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when reading the above is that “we may not judge“, because “we are all human“… David felt so strong about living according to God’s standard that he would not tolerate anyone found guilty of slandering.

We too, should not tolerate this. Bearing false witness is a sin and the Lord is very clear that a “false witness will not go unpunished” (Prov 19 v 9) and “all liars” will not escape His wrath (Rev 21 v 8). This is how strongly the Lord feels about it.

Once again all of this starts within the heart, for the Lord says that “it is not that which goes into the body that defiles a man, but that which comes from within” [paraphrase].

Do not be naive enough to think that one can damage someone else’ career, reputation, marriage or friendships , without facing any consequences. Guard your heart against any form of falsehood that may harm others and yourself.

I pray that the Lord’s Spirit will instruct each step and dictate your every word so that goodness and kindness will spring forth from your heart and manifest in a blessing for others.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Luke 10 v 29; Galatians 5 v 14
Love your neighbour as yourself

Who is my neighbour?

Was it a coincidence that Jesus pointed the lawyer to the the law, knowing what he would answer?

Thinking that Jesus would tell him what he wanted to hear, the lawyer’s attitude reflected his pride and although his response was correct when quoting the scriptures, one could sense his self-righteousness.

Am I judging? No, just stating the obvious and have a point with this. Do you know someone like the lawyer? We are called to love that person, even if he is full of himself. If we refuse, what does that say about our love for the Lord?

For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “you shall love your neigbour as yourself.” (Gal 5 v 14)

We do not know if the lawyer adhered to Jesus’ instruction, but what we learn from this is the following;
1. Sometimes we justify our actions and lack of compassion
2. We are often selective when talking about who our “neighour” is
3. One does not always meet the needs of others, when required to do so

I believe if we love God with our whole being (first), the love and compassion for others will flow out of us and manifest in our actions. Loving our neighbour then becomes natural. Showing compassion like the Samaritan did, would then be “like unto the first“.

My prayer is that the Lord will soften our hearts so that we will also give others grace, even if we think they do not deserve it, for neither do we.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 15 v 3
Taking up reproach

We are discussing the 10 standards, mentioned in Psalm 15 for those who “dwell in the presence of the Lord“.

Are you easily offended when someone else is harmed, by another person you may or may not know, and it feels as if it were done to you? This results in feelings of reproach and contempt for that person, even though they may not seem bothered and don’t even realize what they have done, may have caused harm to the other person…

There are two scenarios that immediately come to mind. There are probably more… The first, someone you know is hurt through the actions or words of another person you may or may not know. The second, someone you do not know personally, or may only be familiar with becomes a victim of another person’s actions.

How do you respond in these situations? Do you become bitter and angry and respond in a way that harms your testimony and allow the situation to take away your peace? What does the Lord expect from us?

God calls us to be peacemakers in Matthew 5 v 9 and this is obviously possible if you know the person, right? So what is your advice to the person you know? Do you encourage them to take revenge because of what was said or done to them, or do you pray with them for forgiveness?

The second scenario is more challenging. You do not know the person or might only be familiar with them or it could be an acquaintance of a friend, colleague or family member. The situation is out of your hands, anyway, so how do you go about it, when this person is seemingly harmed through the actions of someone else?

Do we pause for a moment to think that this “culprit” is also loved by God and made in His image…? They might even be professing christians, having gone astray somewhat. We do not know their circumstances, nor do we know their hearts. Only God knows and we should leave it up to Him to judge rightfully and righteously.

Do not allow something like this to steal your joy and peace. Turn to the Lord for guidance instead and learn to forgive others their trespasses just as we are forgiven ours.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


2 Timothy 2 v 25 - 26
Do not despise a "reprobate"

Yesterday we discussed what it meant to “take up a reproach” in the general sense, although the below scripture also refers to one who despises someone who is a “reprobate“. Let’s have a look at what the bible says.

Psalm 15 v 3 – 4
“….. nor takes up a reproach against his friend; in whose eyes a reprobate is despised….”

This can so easily be misunderstood and misinterpreted as it seemingly refers to those who are apparently not of the “elect” and predestined to damnation as some might believe.

This couldn’t be further from the truth! We are instructed to correct those who are “in opposition” with gentleness (vers 25). We have a huge role and responsibility, when sharing the truth of God’s Word and the manner in which we do it, can either turn people to God or away from Him.

Do not think for a moment ANYONE is beyond saving. God will grant those who repent and turn to Him for salvation His undeserved favour and this is what His Word says. His grace is available for all people! Your kindness and patience could be a deciding factor when dealing with a person who is confused about the truth and seeking answers about their purpose in life.

Those who have not yet accepted God’s truth are held captive by satan, without even knowing it (vers 26). Being hard on them and making them feel they are damned and without hope, because of your approach, can cause them to run away! Trust me. I have personal experience with this.

Instead of having foolish arguments and quarrels about doctrines that are not essential for someone to “come to the knowledge of the truth“, rather focus on why it makes sense to know God and make known to them the God of the bible, who is a personal God. Yes, He is righteous and just, but also loving and kind.

Give people hope for tomorrow. Everyone is searching. Help them find their way and remember, not all who wander are lost.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Scripture for today refers to Psalm 15 v 4
Honour those who fear the Lord

How do we honor those who fear the Lord and do His work?

As a verb, to honour someone is to have regard for them with great respect and this can be seen in Acts 28 v 10, during their stay as well as when Paul and the others leave the Island. Does this mean we should treat them as “gods?” Off course not. Think of it this way…

Do you know of someone who is a “labourer in God’s kingdom“, perhaps a missionary like Paul? Ever thought of assisting them and providing in their needs? Does this mean one should simply give money to anyone claiming to be an evangelist? Is this what God expects? Tough questions, don’t you think? Perhaps a topic of discussion for another day…

Perhaps this passage will help, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9 v 7) [NKJV]

How does this tie in with honouring someone? I believe God calls people to preach the gospel, and in most cases it is in front of hostile audiences, whether in a city square or on a university campus and many times in off the chart, rural areas, where no one really wants to go.

We can honor those people by offering our help in any way deemed necessary and through any means available to us. This could simply be by providing a lunch or offering over night accommodation or even assisting with travel expenses.

Honouring those who fear the Lord shouldn’t be a burden and cause you to simply give for the sake of your conscience. One can simply honour these men and woman. by allowing them to defend the gospel and preach the good news to those willing to listen.

Always pray about your responsibility in this regard and ask the Lord for guidance. If you ask in His Name, for His sake, He will press it on your heart and you will know how to respond.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Numbers 30 v 1 - 2; Matthew 5 v 33 - 37
Keep your word

How many promises have you and I made to others and the Lord that have not come to pass, yet we expect the Lord and others to keep their word?

It was a serious offense in the Old Testament to break a promise and today it seems that keeping one’s word has become a scarce commodity. What is breaking a promise anything other than lying?

If a man makes a vow to the the Lord, or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.” (Num 30 v 1 – 2)

Jesus even quoted the above scripture and added onto it by saying that we should not make any oath, because our word should be enough (Matt 5 v 34 – 37). Unfortunately we live in a fallen world and the society has become untrustworthy.

Do you always have to end off a statement saying “I promise“, “you can trust me” or “my word is my bond“? Jesus said, let your Yes, be yes and let your No, be no. People should see that you are reliable and trustworthy and failing to keep your word, damages your testimony.

Remember, trust is earned. Due to the fallen nature of man even we as believers should not blindly take someone at their word, especially if we do not know them well enough, and even if we do one should be “wise as a serpent and innocent [righteous] as a dove” [paraphrase] (Matt 10 v 15).

Whatever anyone else does, is out of our control, but at least we can make a conscience decision to keep our word and remain faithful to the promises we make.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Proverbs 11 v 1
Deal honestly and fairly

“A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” (Prov 11 v 1)

Can you honestly say all your business dealings have been fair?

This does not only apply when one has their own business, but involves all business transactions. Have you ever been charged less for your purchase due to the cashier not scanning an item or punching in the wrong price and then decide to ignore their mistake? Have you ever sold a car for more than it’s value, especially knowing it was faulty and didn’t mention it to the potential buyer?

If you have seen the movie “Flywheel” this is exactly what happens. The owner of a second hand car dealership, cheats his customers by over charging them. He is convicted, finds the Lord and decides to turn a new leaf. You will have to see for yourself what happens and note that there are always consequences for your actions.

Dealing honestly and fairly in ALL transactions is non-negotiable when you are a child of God. We cannot be honest with others if we haven’t been honest with God first. Simon Peter said he would lay down his life for the Lord and denied Him (Jesus) three times before the rooster crowed (John 13 v 37 – 38)

How is this relevant you might ask? You may just as well lie to the potential buyer three times, after being asked if the vehicle was faulty, before sealing the deal. Do not be fooled in thinking that dishonesty will make you wealthy at the cost of the next person’s hard earned money and their lively hood.

Honesty is policy! You might not get rich, but that should not be your ultimate goal. Doing business and earning a living should be a means to an end, but when the means become the end in itself, i.e. you end up chasing after the dream, at all and any cost, so to speak and lose focus of the Lord and your purpose.

Deal honestly and fairly, simply because it’s the right thing to do!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Word of encouragement for today
Our hope is in the Lord

May you be comforted by the fact that we serve a living God and that we can defend our faith, knowing that Jesus lived as a man, died on the cross and rose again victoriously.

This is the hope we have; we worship a personal God. One who was willing to give up part of Himself to identify with us so that we could become one with Him, yet He was blameless and without sin.

He gave us new life through offering up His own. He gave us a reason to live, not for ourselves but for Him and others. Just as He lived and died for the sake of others.

May God’s love abound in us more and more as He becomes more so that we may become less. Although, not (worth)less, for He is our righteousness and in Him we find our identity, purpose and true meaning.

Step out into the world today, knowing that you are a child of God. Be bold in your faith and humble in your walk with Christ. Allow God to manage every aspect of your life, decision making and relationships with others.

He knows best, because He is God, our Father, our Comforter and our Saviour.


Please join me for Two weeks on the life and teachings of Jesus, which promises to be life changing. Born of a virgin through the power of the Holy Spirit, He lived an ordinary life, yet his teachings were extraordinary.


Acts 1 v 1 - 11
The first church

Acts tells the story of how the first century church was established and begins where the gospels leave off. It continues describing the 30 years after Jesus ascended to heaven.

Please follow our study on “the book of Acts” if you would like to journey through this amazing piece of history. I would just like to mention one thing after working through the life and teachings of Jesus.

Have you ever paused for a moment to think WHY? Why would the disciples continue preaching this gospel of the resurrected Christ if they didn’t believe it to be true themselves, facing immense persecution, “even to the point of death”?

There was a time during Jesus’ ministry when they questioned many things and struggled to believe, but during the period, before His ascension, when Jesus taught them about the Kingdom and the things to come they believed wholeheartedly.

It is two thousand years later and the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection is still proclaimed by many. In fact, countries like Iran, South Korea and China as well as parts of Africa are seeking the Lord more than ever and the number of people turning to Him is astounding.

Why have we become so complacent and comfortable with our “religion” in the modern (western) world, because for many that is all the christian faith has become. Just another chore to tick off the list after attending church or bible study. Fact is, God has not changed and His Word has remained unchanged and that is evident in the Scriptures.

What has changed is our interpretation thereof. If there ever was a time to return to our First Love it is now, for the signs are clear we are living in the end times, preceding the return of Christ. Let’s become bold in our stance for Jesus, knowing that He is alive and because He lives, we also will live, but if we love our lives and attempt to keep it for the sake of this fallen world, we will lose it.

My prayer is that you will seek the Lord while He may still be found. Pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to you today if you have not met Him yet. If you consider yourself a child of God and feel you are fading in your christian walk, return to the Word and ask that His Spirit teach you the things concerning His kingdom and lead you into ALL truth.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”


Psalm 37
Cultivate faithfulness

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

There are so many emotions colliding inside us during these uncertain times that it seems appropriate to start off with Psalm 37 that addresses all kinds of worries, anxiety and even getting oneself in a “fret“, by constantly worrying so much that it almost eats away at you, like the “waves fret the seafront”.

The Lord is very clear that we should 1) trust in Him 2) delight ourselves in Him (exalt and pursue) 3) commit our way to Him 4) Rest in Him 5) wait patiently on Him. If we do this, He will give us the desires of our heart. What does this have to do with worrying, you may ask?

Is it not true that our biggest worry is usually our financial burdens? How we will be able to make it through another month and keep the creditors at bay. We worry about the material so much that it over shadows all the little miracles that take place on a daily basis. We worry about our health, our pension, our children and our parents. We worry about the corruption taking place everywhere, etc.

Shouldn’t we rather “worry” about our spiritual health, the state of our soul and the salvation of others, even our “enemies“? how we can help someone in need and leave the battle to the Lord? Easy for me to say, right?

How do we cultivate faithfulness? If you understand that faith and faithfulness means exactly the same thing, then we will better understand how to put our trust, hope and rest in the Lord and wait patiently on Him for an outcome, if that is what’s required and if that is what you are praying for, while you do what your hand finds to do.

I am speaking from experience. The Lord is faithful. He is in us if we are in Him and He will provide in all our needs if we live according to His will. Sometimes we are tested, just as Job was. Sometimes we are disciplined. Seek the Lord regardless of your circumstances. Remain faithful to Him and He will establish every step you take.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Psalm 6
In sickness and in health, till death do us part

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

Are you struggling with illness or know someone who is ill and facing eminent death? This is something not often talked about due to the nature of this topic and the uncertainty among many, especially for those who either fear death for they do not know the Lord and their final destination, or they believe everything simply stops when one dies.

In Psalm 6 David prays for deliverance from his circumstances, but this passage can also relate to someone who is suffering and “pining away” from cancer, or any other life threatening illness, causing them to face the reality of death and it might be that they feel God is punishing them for whatever reason.

Unfortunately we live in a fallen world and this vessel, called our body is also fallen, fading away with age. It is reckoned that from the age of 25 onwards, cells die at a faster rate than new cells can be generated, which tells us one thing. Our body will sooner or later – 80 years, if we are blessed – no longer function as it would at a younger age and this is evident in the way we recover after an injury or surgery as we get older.

On the flip side, God is able to heal any illness, if He so wishes. The difficult part is when He does not intercede to heal your loved ones and they perish before your eyes. We don’t always understand in that moment what His reasons are, yet if we trust in Him, knowing He makes all things work for good for those who love Him (Rom 8 v 28), He will comfort you and give you peace.

Fortunately, as believers, we know that we die with Christ through baptism and are also raised with Him through His resurrection and this is when our life actually begins. Believers don’t die, they fall asleep and wake up in God’s presence.

For this reason we can have confidence that we are not separated from the Lord and even in our darkest hour when no man made medicine can heal us or our loved one(s), rest assured that there is an eternity that awaits us when passing from this life to the next.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Psalm 4 and 17
Why me Lord?

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

Are you seeking answers for some of the toughest questions in life and is your first response to “bad” things that happen to you, “why me?”

In the very first verse of these chapters we notice David pleading with the Lord to hear his prayer, respond to him and answer him. Do you plead with the Lord to answer you when in distress, to “give heed to your cry” or do you blame Him for allowing adversity in your life?

If you feel you have held fast to the Lord and your feet have not slipped (17 v 5), you are in right standing with Him and have put your trust in Him (4 v 5) and still seem to suffer due to the challenges you are facing – bring your case before the Lord. Stand on the promise that when you ask (in His Name) you shall receive, although not always in the manner which you expect…

Ask Him to make it known to you why these things are happening. Ask Him to reveal the innermost parts of your heart, so that you can discern whether you are in the faith. Ask Him to convict you if you have sinned. The Lord will show you these things if you are sincere and in pursuit of the Truth.

Sometimes the Lord does not reveal to you the reasons for certain things and it might seem He is inconsistent and unreliable because you feel you have not done anything wrong and you may be right. Not that everything bad that happens should be seen as punishment, but you get my point, right?

Daniel and His friends trusted in the Lord to intervene, but was willing to pay the price and remain faithful, even when He didn’t save them. The Lord Jesus Himself, asked for the cup to pass Him by, but accepted the Father’s will. I believe that if we trust the Lord unconditionally, He will carry you through, but if there are lessons to be learnt, then be prepared to suffer as He did.

We get stuck and totally hung up on this life and lose perspective of what this life is about so easily. This is a school where we prepare for a life in eternity, in the presence of our Creator and Redeemer, when everything will be made clear to us.

Remember this, when in doubt… “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Cor 13 v 12) [NIV] or as the KJV would state “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known“.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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