
Day 3
Psalms 15 v 1 - 5; 2 Timothy 2 v 14 - 26; Hebrews 2 v 9 - 18

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2 Tim 2 v 15)

Psalm 15 describes the attributes or character of a person who is devoted to the Lord with a pure heart. Those who “abstain from wickedness” are preserved and called for His good work and if we are to handle the “word of truth” correctly, we should avoid quarrels that almost, always lead to arguments, often causing us to say things we might regret.

As servants of the Lord, we should therefore be kind to all people, patient even when wronged and gentle when dealing with those who disagree with the truth and not stand between them and God’s plan of salvation, because we have preached to death what we believe is the truth and often become a stumbling block rather than a stepping stone or a launch pad!

The above might seem like a tall order to us, but we need to remember that God can relate in the form of His Son, who was also tempted, while at his weakest. He has conquered the grave and overcame that which has enslaved us for so long, the fear of death and the fear of the unknown.

Jesus has revealed to us the mysteries of God and through believing in His death and resurrection, we are not only called children of the Father, but also brethren of the Lord Jesus.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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