
Ps 63 v 1-11; Deut 4 v 1-5 v 33
Yahweh is our God

O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You...” (Ps 63 v 1)

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says that He is the Lord our God and just as He brought His people out of the Land of Egypt, in the same way He delivers us out of this world when we become His children.

The law that God wrote on the tablets of stone, He has also written on our hearts and even though we are under the law of grace, the same principles apply and we should meditate on this law day and night, for if we merely look at another with lust, we have committed adultery in our hearts.

Should we hate another, we have committed murder and when we covet our neighbours’ possessions, we might just as well have stolen it. The moment anything else takes the place of our Lord, we are guilty of idolatry.

Which god do you seek? The God of the bible, who is fair and just and keeps His word, or the god created by ourselves, moulded to our liking, who accommodates our lust and wants? There is no other God, who is personal, loving and holy, all-knowing and ever present, but above all, there is no other god that would become flesh and share in our pain and sorrows – that is to say – if those gods were alive and able to make such a choice.

Our God is righteous and because of what He has done, our righteousness is found in Christ. We thank the Lord for His goodness, kindness and selfless act of love. How can we ever be grateful enough for the fact that the God of creation sacrificed a part of Himself, to dwell among us and take all our sin and shame upon Him, so that we can be reconciled with Him.

For this reason we should praise Him day and night. Lift up your hands to the living God. He is our Father in Heaven. The earth is His footstool and we are His beloved children. Worship Him in spirit and in truth. Meditate on His word and seek His presence. Call upon His Name and be saved.

To God all the glory and honour. Forever and ever. Amen.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation