
Day 7
Revelation 4 v 1 - 11

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, Who WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME.” (vers 8)

What a wonderful notion, knowing that our Lord and God, who is also our Messiah, will be worshipped forever and ever, by mankind, from every nation and tribe, people and tongue as well as the angels, singing, “Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might, be to our God forever and ever. AMEN!” (Rev 7 v 12).

During this time, when we are united with our Saviour, we will no longer hunger, nor thirst, for the Lord will guide us to springs of the water of life and the God of heaven and earth will wipe every tear from our eyes (Rev 7 v 16-17).

This alone should cause us to look forward to that day. There are many other reasons why we should long for seeing our Lord, face to face, but the idea that God Himself, will comfort us, should be reason alone.

Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honour and power; for You created ALL things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.” (vers 11)

We were created for God’s glory and for His pleasure. Because He is a loving and personal God, He made us to fellowship with Him. Not that He is dependent on us, to fulfill His needs, but gave us life to enjoy His presence and we are dependent on Him to satisfy our need to worship.

A life of worship is a life dedicated to this God, who spoke everything into existence.
Not only acknowledging that He created the universe, but submitting to His will, serving Him in humility and above all, loving Him wholeheartedly.

Today is the day for us to kneel before the throne of the living God, committing our lives to Him. The goal should not (only) be to stop doing the things of the flesh, as this will occur naturally, once we come to faith. We are called to die to self, take up our cross and follow Him. This is the only way we can truly worship in Spirit and Truth, for Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the life and no one come to the Father, but through Him.

Believing in His death and resurrection and accepting His grace for forgiveness of our sins is only the beginning of our walk in faith. Our sanctification is a life long process, where we are moulded over time, into the vessels of worship that are acceptable to God.

I trust this week has been a huge blessing for you. May the Lord speak to your heart through His Spirit. Allow Him to penetrate the deepest parts of your soul, removing the hurt, anger, pain and hate to bring healing and newness of life, which is grounded in the truth.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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