
Day 6
1 Chronicles 16 v 23 - 31

“”For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the Lord made the heavens.” (vers 25-26)

Who would you rather worship?
An idol, made out of wood, stone or clay, or a Living Being, someone who is all-knowing and all-present, who created the universe and man in His image?

We are called to “sing to the Lord” and “proclaim good tidings of His salvation” and we should also “tell of His glory among the nations“. He should be feared (revered), all the days of our lives, for His is the power, honour and glory.

Our strength and joy is found in Him and nothing else can satisfy our soul, although mankind have sought alternatives during the course of history, seeking and not finding the source of life, for they were looking everywhere else, jumping from one religion to the next, never coming to the knowledge of the truth.

Surely it makes more sense to bow down in worship to this loving being, who is a personal God, opposed to bending the knee to a lifeless statue or even worse, a creature belonging to the creation of the Creator. All these idols are hand made, invented by man, for they have to replace the heart of worship with something else in a desperate attempt to satisfy the longing for serving their creator, all be it, completely misdirected.

What is the reason for this?

I believe it’s simple. Man is fallen and therefore sinful. Full of pride, self-centered and continues to cling to the lie of Satan. For this reason they look for various ways to exalt themselves, above Him who is called God and as a result they will not have to give account for their actions, or so they think. This causes one to drift further and further away from the One who has created us to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

What is the remedy then?

Nothing can cleanse us from our transgressions, but the blood of the lamb, our Messiah, Yeshua. As long as we deny this truth, we will continue to wander around in the wilderness, seeking and not finding, thirsting and not able to quench our thirst, hungry for the truth, ending up empty handed.

Many indulge in material things, trying to still their hunger and quench their thirst, but this too is in vain. Only Jesus can fill the void and satisfy the longing to worship our Creator and serve the God who gave up part of Himself to identify with mankind, enduring tremendous persecution, rejection and suffering at the hand of those who he created.

My prayer today is that the Lord will open your spiritual eyes and ears in order that you will hear the truth, for “faith comes from hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the [preaching of the] message concerning Christ.” (Rom 10 v 17) [AMP].

We give thanks to the Lord, Jesus Christ, who deserves to be praised and revered. We stand in awe in the presence of Him, who created us and saved us from eternal separation from God, transforming us into new beings through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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