
Day 5
Ps 107 v 8 - 43

Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, And for His wonders to the sons of men! For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.” (vers 8-9)

While fools continue in their rebellious ways, we are called to give thanks to the Lord.
There is, however, hope for those who have rebelled against God. They too, are able to call out to the Lord and He will rescue them, should they turn away from their iniquities and turn to Him with thanksgiving.

Regardless of where man finds himself, we are called to worship.
Take note though, that God is not just satisfied with any kind of worship and lays down the ground rules.
We cannot elevate self and continue on our path of destruction and think that God will be content.

Also, do not be deceived in thinking that we can practice idol worship, calling lifeless statues “god”. The same applies to man, who was made to worship, not be worshipped. To worship God in Spirit and Truth implies just that. We cannot mix that which is of this world with that which is holy.

Our minds should be set on God, our hearts centered around Christ, lead by the Holy Spirit.
The human mind is easily confused and distracted and we should guard our thoughts against the enemy, who is constantly at work seeking to devour us.

Our soul will continue to thirst for God as long as we are caught up in the entertainment that is on offer today instead of true worship, which will always call us into a deeper relationship with the Lord and also involves repentance of our sinfulness.

“Praise and worship” as it is labeled today only has substance as long as it is based on the word of God.
Do not be fooled into thinking that the Lord “knows our heart and the intentions thereof” and that He will understand if we don’t always get it right. The very fact that the Lord knows the intentions of the heart, should scare us, for the “heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things.” [paraphrase]

Be glad and rejoice in the God of our salvation. Seek Him with a humble heart and a meek spirit. He will purify you from all things that are unholy. Only God can forgive our iniquities, of which there are many. Seek the Living God today as long as He can be found, for a time of famine is coming where people will desperately long to find Him in the wilderness…

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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