
Day 3
Romans 12 v 1 - 2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (vers 2)

Does your behaviour as a Christian reflect that which is good and acceptable within the perfect will of our Heavenly Father?

As children of God we should serve Him as a living sacrifice. Worshipping Him through our actions, should be our focus – day and night – regardless of where we are and who we are dealing with. Our bodies should be a temple where the Living God dwells in the form of His Spirit.

This is only possible through the renewing of our mind. Our whole being has to change so that we are transformed to such an extent that our thoughts and desires align with God’s will, instead of conforming to this world and the lusts of the flesh.

It is impossible to please God in any other way. He longs for fellowship with us, but also sets a spiritual standard for us to follow and to worship Him in Spirit and Truth is to be sober in the spirit, whilst seeking His truth wholeheartedly. We cannot burn strange fires, thinking that God will be satisfied with our luke warm attempts.

Doctrine is important and knowledge of the Word is crucial, in order not to be mislead, but we should be careful of spiritual pride. God expects a humble heart and a meek spirit from His flock. A proud and hardened heart, in my opinion, is the origin of religion and only causes us to drift further and further away from a personal relationship with the Lord.

If there is any doubt in your mind about the state of your relationship with God, then it is time to approach the Almighty with reverence, in complete humility, acknowledging your shortcomings. Worshipping God requires an entire mind shift from being content with a verse a day and a minute long prayer, to a lifestyle, consisting of a complete dependence on Him.

He should be your first thought when you wake up and your last conversation must be with Him, before you go to rest at night. You can no longer be satisfied with an instant prayer and a quick scripture here and there will no longer cut it. Like the men of ancient times, your whole life must revolve around communion with God and nothing less will suffice.

If I sound like a Jesus freak, then you are right and I am not ashamed. I long to worship the God of Heaven and earth, my Creator and Saviour. Join me as the body of Christ and seek the Lord every waking moment, for this is why we were created – to know God, to make Him known and enjoy His goodness forever!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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