
Day 2
John 4 v 1 - 26

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” (vers 14)

Nothing material, not even water that sustains our earthly bodies, necessary for survival, can quench our spiritual thirst for the living God.

Spiritual worship is the essence, the very substance of our relationship with God and should be practiced daily. It should become part of our lifestyle and not only be confined to our inner room, fellowship on a Sunday or prayer meeting on Wednesday.

I believe this is the reason we thirst for God and yet struggle to satisfy our souls’ longing for Him, because we have been raised in a culture in the western world where our spiritual and secular lives are separated. We are taught that the preacher has studied theology, understands the meaning of the bible and therefore only he is able to teach, while we should pay attention.

The same applies to mid-week fellowship, where a cell group leader, often an elder of the church, appointed by those attending the meeting, takes charge and the rest remain passive listeners. This was not the model of the early church and we will never mature in our faith, through practicing our belief this way, which is the main reason many believers remain satisfied with milk.

There is no urge to know God more intimately. It becomes a routine, following certain rituals and then carrying on with daily life until the next time we feel like attending fellowship. Our spirit is not drawn to God, because we are with one foot in the world and one foot in the faith, at best.

Worshipping in “Spirit and Truth” entails so much more than simply showing up at a prayer meeting, allowing a single person to run the meeting and then, after enjoying a cup of tea, head back home to continue with everyday life.

The only way to worship in Spirit and Truth, is through a Spirit-filled life, grounded in the Word, meeting with the Lord on a daily basis, while living our lives according to His principles. Our behaviour towards others should reflect His love, compassion, patience and kindness. We should live holy and sanctified lives, allowing Christ to become more so that we can become less.

It is a privilege to serve a Living God who has given us eternal life, through His suffering, death and resurrection. My prayer is that you will allow God to penetrate the deepest, darkest parts of your soul, cleansing you from all unrighteousness, so that you, as men and woman, can stand blameless before Him in a Father-son relationship and daughters of the King respectively.

Do not simply be content with sustaining the flesh, for we cannot live by bread alone and will always thirst for more water as the flesh is never satisfied. First and foremost, we should drink from the living water that God freely gives, which will replenish and satisfy the soul, while restoring our spirit.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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