In Romans 12 v 1, Paul instructs his readers to present their bodies as “living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”. Much more than something reserved for Sunday mornings, worship of God should mark the whole of the Christian life.

This 7-day reading plan was designed to help you better understand what Scripture teaches about the nature of true worship, leading to a heart overflowing with love and affection for God.

Reading plan topics, descriptions and scriptures are taken from the “NIV Bible found on the Olive Tree Bible Application for IOS”, while the content is the property of Elevating Truth Online Ministry.


Day 1
Ps 100 v 1- 5

Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.” (vers 3)

We were made to worship and serve God, through a personal and intimate relationship with our Creator, who has formed us in His image and likeness.
Doesn’t this make more sense than to believe that we are the product of a random process, lacking any design whatsoever and without purpose?

We are given the assurance that God is who He says He is and that we are His people.
Therefore we can trust Him with everything. We are invited into His courts, through the favour that Christ has granted us, by restoring fellowship with the Father.

This is what God longs for – fellowship with us.
He is no longer pleased with sacrifices and burnt offerings and instead, desires a one-on-one with each of us for He knows us by our name. He formed us into the wonderful and unique beings we are today, even with all our shortcomings. God wants children who love Him just like they would love and trust a parent with all their needs, whether emotional, physical or financial.

Every thought, every desire, all our heart ache is known to Him. He is not unfamiliar with our suffering and pain and invites us to the cross, where we can come with our burdens and hurt and lay it down before Him, “For HIS yoke is easy and HIS burden is light” (Mat 11 v 30) [paraphrase]

This is where true worship begins.
Let us enter into His holy presence with joy, thanksgiving and songs of praise all the days of our lives, as a living testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation

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