As we come to the end of this chapter it is clear to me, that God calls us to 1) have child like faith in the power of the cross and to 2) preach the gospel as it was originally intended. Not with wisdom gained through man. But through His spirit. Is it not (actually supposed to be) the easiest and simplest thing to get saved?

He who believes with his heart and confess with his mouth that Jesus rose from the dead is saved… the cross is a good start but there’s more. Jesus has risen , the grave is empty and this is what we should preach and be in one accord with, united in mind and thought. There’s life after death in this life… how many people do you know who simply think everything ends when they die? I know quite a few. Preach the cross and the resurrection.

Preach the gospel of the kingdom, which is at hand. Our days here are numbered. Jesus is coming soon and we have to prepare ourselves. Be the salt of the earth. Be a light in this dark world which Satan rules. Plant a seed and allow the Spirit to water it. My prayer is that God will equip you today so that you can go out and make Him known.

Be alert, be sober, be patient, wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. Remember, we are working with souls that are hurt and damaged. Show the love and compassion of Christ. Be that shoulder to cry on. Show a little tough love when needed but always led by the spirit. Be blessed 🙏

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