My grandad used to say that we will see people in heaven we never expected to be there and just based on my experiences the last couple of months I think he was right. Many who seem to be first in this life (proclaiming to be christians) will not necessarily sit at the feet of our Lord when their life here comes to an end… you may ask what this has to do with our calling?

Well, I believe in this life, we are called into a relationship with God, to serve and love Him with our whole being while, living holy lives, loving each other and living in dependency as “foreigners” knowing that He is our provider. Seeking our treasure – our inheritance – in Heaven, longing after everlasting life, an eternity with Him.

The trials and tribulations we have to endure is a small price to pay for the ultimate prize, that awaits us, should we finish this race, even if we seem to be last in this life. 🙏

Day 13
Acts 9 v 1-31

What an amazing event, the conversion and calling of the man we know as Paul. One cannot believe that it is he who once persecuted the church and for that (his conversion) they (religious and jews) wanted him dead, astonishing, isn’t it?

They had no problem when he went after believers wanting them imprisoned and killed, until he found Jesus and came to faith. Now they wanted him dead, why? For telling the truth? Doesn’t that sound familiar? Once again proof that you cannot have an encounter with Jesus and not be changed, but also that you WILL be persecuted for His Name sake.

We are called to love, we are called to obey the Lord, we are called to live holy lives and we are called to serve. Be a Paul, neither afraid, nor ashamed of the Gospel. We can all share the truth of the saving grace of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Have a blessed day 🙏

Day 14
1 Cor 1 v 1-31

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