To be called by God is an honour, yet there is always a price to pay, a trade-off. Therefore He says that we should consider the cost carefully like you would when building a house. You wouldn’t simply rush into something like that without careful planning, would you?

Know that when He calls you for His kingdom’s sake everything here on earth becomes meaningless and should simply be a means to an end. Be prepared, for today might be your day. I pray that whatever it is our Father in Heaven has installed for you that you will give yourself completely knowing you will not be disappointed. May your week be filled with the riches of God’s blessings. Amen

Day 11
Mat 4 v 18-22; Mark 2 v 13-15; Mark 3 v 13-19; John 15 v 14-17

My thoughts… Would we give up everything should God call us and for the sake of the Gospel, depart from our family and friends… ? Would we? It doesn’t always have to be that extreme and the disciples had a specific calling.

We can still enjoy our family and friends, while being called by God to serve Him, as long as He remains priority in our lives and we don’t compromise on our faith. We won’t always be popular, in fact, be prepared to be rejected and sometimes even hated, for His Name’s sake. Who can relate? In John 15 v 14 He calls us “friends” if we do what He commands and that is to love one another (like He loved us).

So, we are ALL called to love our fellow man, i.e. neighbour, family and friends alike – without exception! My prayer is that we will bear fruit of righteousness so that people may come to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus. Be blessed 🙏

Do not become dismayed brothers when you experience persecution. Stand firm in your faith and know that the power of prayer can help you accomplish victory over (y)our fears and sins. I pray that the Lord will keep you safe and protect us. 🙏

Day 12
Mark 10 v 17-31; 1 Pet 1 v 3-21

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