The God of Israel, Who keeps His promises and appoints every man in his position as He sees fit even though most of them do not acknowledge Him, will deliver those that come to Him and acknowledge Him as the one and ONLY God and Creator of everything. Isn’t it more important that God calls them to be saved than to have some kind of position in this life?! Having said that, we should use our positions, as priests and prophets, proclaiming the truth of God to this broken world, in which God has called each one of us.

In the end every knee will bow, but many will be shamed and acknowledge Him who sits on the throne, when it is too late… I pray that the Spirit will rise you up today as an instrument in God’s hands to do the work of the Father. May He richly bless you and your loved ones. Amen 🙏

Day 9
Ezek 2 v 1-3 and v 15

What a HUGE calling and MAMOTH task lay ahead of Ezekiel, so much so, that he became “deeply distressed”, yet he obeyed the Lord and went on this journey, fully aware of the task at hand.

He had to warn the rebellious nation of Israel of God’s judgement and I do not think we can begin to imagine just how far they have dwelled from the Lord, because God told him that had he gone to another nation they would have listened, but all of Israel wasn’t willing to listen to the Lord Himself, yet he would send him to his own people to warn them of the judgement at hand so that they had no excuse.

How difficult is it not to give your own people (family) the truth and warn them of the pending judgement?! Probably one of the hardest things to do, but God will give you the strength and the words at the appointed time to bring the message or warning to those needing to hear it and we know that the people need to hear it. May the Lord choose each one of you and prepare you today for the time has come for people to listen to what the God of Israel is saying. May His Spirit fill you and guide you in all truth. Amen

Day 10
Hos 1 v 1-11; Amos 7 v 10-17

May the Lord never say of us that we are “not loved” and “not his people”. Hosea must have had a difficult task to fullfill and whether he considered it a tough ask or not, he was called by the Lord and obeyed. Sometimes the Lord wants us to do something and it just doesn’t seem to make sense for our small minds, but He knows what He’s doing so trust in Him when that day comes.

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