Are we not like Gideon many times when the Lord calls us to do something?  Regardless, It doesn’t seem  like God was disappointed in him or rejected his requests…  are we of little faith?  Often!  Do we ask for signs?  Absolutely!  How many times do we want to see before we believe or see before we trust in Him..? 

Also Gideon didn’t consider himself worthy, yet the Lord called him because He knew Gideon’s heart and character.  My prayer is that we will be willing to serve as a living sacrifice, a living testimony, trusting unconditionally so that we will be prepared everyday, doing what our hand finds to do, while we wait on the Lord, cause He wants us to die to self first before living for Him!  Blessings in Jesus

Day 5
1 Sam 3 v 1-21

How often has the Lord called us before today? Once, twice, many times perhaps? Have you waited on Him and His still small voice. Has He put something on your heart and you simply knew you had to do it?! That realization that you cannot rest until it’s done or said…

If not, be open to the Lord’s voice today, like Samuel was and rest assured that none of your words will fall to the ground provided that it is His words, spoken through you. Ask God today what your calling is, even something seemingly insignificant can change someone’s life. May God direct your path through His Spirit. Amen

Day 6
1 Sam 16 v 1-23

I noticed that I read this scripture a week ago, up to verse 13 and posted my comment again, but would like to add 1 more thought at the bottom…

I believe many are called but few are chosen (Mat 22 v 14). David attended to the sheep when he was called to start working for the Lord and was chosen, even though his brothers were also called. I believe we all have a calling in the Kingdom of God, which is not of this world. I believe none of us are too weak and seemingly insignificant, that we cannot do God’s work.

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